
photo saturday: psionic weirdo

elidry - the white, functionary, psionic

Sorcerer is my favourite arcane class in DnD... I think I've said this. Or inferred heavily.

I do enjoy that the subclasses are so different from each other and leads to very different characters... if you lean into it anyway.

The Aberrant Mind Sorcerer is... a weird one.

An alien influence has wrapped its tendrils around your mind, giving you psionic power. You can now touch other minds with that power and alter the world around you by using it to control the magical energy of the multiverse.

I've played with a few ideas... but ended up coming at this one visually. What does that weird ass alien influence look like on the outside. Or how does it end up manifesting.

Enter Elidyr the White. Functionary to the Arcane Brotherhood of Silverymoon. And potentially a big old weirdo. I mean, he feels like he'd be a weirdo. Being all psionic and telepathic and shit. And I was planning on giving him the Warlock feat and allowing him to Disguise Self at will... so, also weirdness inherent there.

I also love a full white outfit. I know it makes no sense for adventuring... but, just the visual of that outfit with the hair and the skin and then all the weird magic colours. And I love a monochromatic or a single colour outfit generally. Here for all of it.

Moving on.

I went back to the Halfling Tomato Soup this week... and put maybe too much pepper in it. Plus I think I've gotten to that "no more soup" stage, even though I've done other things the last couple of weeks. This just reinforces it.

I am now one step closer to being a Super Villain... Hero... whatever... super powers... or better wifi or whatever the delusion is. One vaccination down, one to go. And it all went smoothly... the most worry I had was whether I would find a park near the venue. Turned out, yes, easy. Then it was all... Fill this out. Stand in this line. Stand in that line. Go see that lovely nurse. Sit here for 15 minutes. Book your next appointment there. See ya. In and out in like half an hour.

And other than a sore arm, no drama.

Weirdly though, having mentioned the wifi delusion... my wifi did play up on Wednesday night... and I couldn't be dealing with that, so I just went to bed early. But it makes you think. Or, you know, you understand the difference between coincidence and causation and not to believe random bullshit you read on the internet without fact checking that shit... or more specifically, having a whole brain and using it to think critically about things.

Thursday night's DnD game was... fine. I mean it was the second half of an okay adventure. And we kicked all the ass and took all the names. Well. Mostly my character took the names... he's not really an ass kicker. Sassy bitch, yes. Ass kicker, no.

Friday night's game was something different.

Because this week was Fluffy's birthday (Happy Birthday Fluffy), I offered to run a little one shot I'd seen, where everyone plays as wizard's familiars... A Familiar's Quandry. And it was fun. The first time I'd ever run for all of the Friday group at the same time. Individually, yes. But not as a group. It's weird the perspective that you get as a DM that you don't necessarily think of when you're just another player along side someone... even after two years and three different characters.

Plus it was a fun game because while they're all underpowered creatures, there was a mechanic in game that kept them coming back if they died, so that always leads to people taking chances they might otherwise not have. 

Fluffy went through three different animal forms... a crab, a chameleon and finally a quipper (the DnD equivalent of a piranha)... Mrs started as a kitty, then went to toad (which she didn't like), and ended up as a cute little bat... whereas Mr started as a spider, ended as a spider. A spider who was a little bit Phantom of the Opera and ended the adventure playing said song on a little tiny clockwork pipe organ. Not a sentence I thought I'd have been saying when we started the adventure, but it was one of those perfect moments, where a player mentions something at the start of a game as something of a joke, someone else plusses that early in the game and then there's that moment as a table at the end of the game where you know bringing back that moment is absolute perfection.

And when those moments come around, you grab them with both hands and hang on.

Today, unfortunately, I did that thing that Toby Ziegler, by way of Aaron Sorkin, warned us all about...

You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing? Then go outside, turn around three times and spit. What the hell's the matter with you?

But more on that in a second.

We started with the supermarket. Just doing supermarket things. And I absolutely forgot one important item from the recipe I want to make tomorrow, but I maintain I was thrown off by the fact they didn't have one of the other ingredients. But, we'll improvise. Or else, I will go and check Coles tomorrow.

Then we came back here, before deciding to head to IKEA for candles and a new little table for Ma.

I got all of the tealight candles. Ma got a little metal side table, which I offered to put together for her. But as we got in the car I also tempted the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing when I said that I've never had problems putting together an IKEA item.

Got home, happened to coincide with an episode of Grand Designs, started putting the table together. Basically it was just screwing two pieces of metal together sixteen times. And on the first screw hole I tried, the screw hole was too small for the fucking screw. Like, legitimately, manufacturing issue, too small. I got all the other screws in just fine, those two holes, no bueno.

So back to IKEA we go... to see the very pretty Returns Boy... and got a refund and picked up a new table, then I basically put the table together at the Returns Boy's counter so we were sure that the stupid thing would go together. Which it did. Obviously.

I mean, I would have much preferred to not take a second trip to IKEA, but, sometimes these things happen.

Current mood:

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