
photo friday: the end my friend

All good things come to an end. Sometimes that also covers journeys through hell... in this case, the end of our Balder's Gate: Descent into Avernus campaign, which happened almost accidentally last night.

The end for my Drow bard, her ultimately doomed and unconsummated love affair with the Goliath (now an angel because sure) sorcerer/cleric and the very odd, but loveable half-orc Aasimar druid. It's been a wild old ride.

I mean technically next week we have the "post campaign wrap up", where we get to talk about what happens directly next and in 15 years time to the characters. And let's just say that after saving two cities from Hell, including the Duke who runs her home city, Nightingale has a list... as do I.

Honestly though I could NOT have asked for two better roleplay partners and a better DM for this... even if we ran away from or talked our way out entirely too many combats (because, really, why wouldn't you?!).

It was also possibly one of the weirdest sessions, just because after last week the party was still split up, so Fluffy and I actually spent the first half an hour, three quarters of an hour playing a board game in another room while Mr and Mrs got to a jumping off point in their story, then it was our turn and we worked out where Mr had gone, tracked him down, regrouped and then went to do the thing that we were supposed to do, without knowing that it was going to trigger the end-end game.

And then suddenly it was end game and we made the rolls we needed to make... two natural 20's on the dice and one that became a 20. Which, really, was the dice gods saying "yeah, we heard you all roleplaying your little hearts out just now... here, you deserve this". So yay!

Now I just need to switch gears and work out how to play a magical robot in two weeks. And get a half decent fake Irish accent going.

But that's a problem for later.

There's honestly not a lot to report for the rest of this week.

I finished off the adventure we got halfway through during last week's Wednesday game. And then talked about what we were doing next week. When I am also running. So we'll see how that goes.

Oh... and for whatever reason, for the first time since we started playing the Friday game... I forgot the bread. I mean, I made it, but I left it on my kitchen bench and only realised when we got there. Whoops.

Today was pretty basic. We did the supermarket thing, but because it's a hot weekend, we came back here, watched some YubTubs and called it a day. Because, fuck doing anything.

So, yeah... that's it.

Current mood:

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