
photo saturday: healers

bazik - blacksmith, cook, craftersafira - mother, midwife, healer

Dwarves. Clerics. Dwarf clerics. Clerics who are, in fact, dwarves. Yep, I'm now invited all kinds of weird searches to end up here.

I've only ever played one dwarf character. A dwarf wizard. But a dwarf cleric is pretty iconic. Not least of all because the Hill Dwarf racial stat bonuses sync really nicely with a cleric.

These two are... sketches, I guess.

Bazik was my attempt to make the dwarfiest dwarf who ever dwarfed. So a dwarf with the dwarven focused Clan Crafter background who was a Forge cleric of the primary dwarf god Moradin. I think I ended up thinking he would have cook's tools in additional to all the smith's tools and whatnot. Which lead to the roast beast leg. But I do like Bazik. And he was the inspiration when I did a colour scheme for someone else's dwarven cleric.

Safira was one of my other first choices to send to Hell instead of my bard. And if Mr hadn't chosen a class that had access to cleric spells, I might have gone there. Which would absolutely have resulted in a very, very different game. Mostly I love her because of her goddess, Mya. Which is a dwarf goddess who appeared in older versions, but only showed up in one of the more recent books. Mya is the mother goddess to the dwarves, like Mordain is the father god. But I also quite liked how Safira's weapon came out.

So... this week.

Yeah... there's a reason I went for clerics this week.

Sunday... Sunday was fine. Until 1am. So Monday morning technically. At 1am the power went out. And either the evaporative cooler turning off OR getting a text message from the power company woke me up. Or, you know, some combination of the two. But then I couldn't get back to sleep because it was kinda stuffy in my room (hence the aformentioned cooler).

So in the end I had to pull out a trick I haven't had to do since back in the Childers Street days. Getting a face washer/washcloth wet and draping it across my lower back to enable some janky "evaporative cooling". I dozed a little... but really didn't sleep at all for about two hours.

And then when the power came back on around 3am I ended up reading my book for a little, because at that point I was super awake. Not helped by the mini power outage that happened about fifteen minutes after the power came back on. It only went out for like 30 seconds, but it freaked me out. But then I was so close to the end of my book... I just wanted to finish it. Which I did. And I think it was almost 4am by the time I got to sleep.

I was not a happy bunny for the rest of Monday honestly, even though I didn't wake up until like 10:30.

Then Tuesday happened. I don't know if some of the "unhappy bunny" from Monday was actually a spillover from when ended up happening Tuesday, but it would make sense.

When I woke up on Tuesday, I rolled over and the room kept moving. Without me. I didn't like it. Every time I rolled over, it basically did the same thing. Thankfully not so much when I stood up... but I ended up feeling a little nauseous. Which I hate.

I managed to have a shower and have some breakfast, then called my doctor's office and made an appointment later that morning.

And because of my slightly vague symptoms and, you know, the pandemic, the receptionist at the surgery somewhat understandably stuck me in the isolation rooms at the back. After taking me in through the back entrance. So, you know, no need for me to freak the hell out. At all.

But after my lovely old doctor showed up in the doorway and I talked him through everything, he was like "yeah, all good, come back to my office". I mean, not all good, he called out pretty quick that it was probably some kind of inner ear virus. He did say what it was... but, honestly, it had one of those big stupid Latin names, and I wasn't completely paying attention.

And of course, because it's an inner ear thing, and a virus, they can't do fuck all for it. So, I just have to live with it. For up to three weeks.

He also recommended that maybe I shouldn't drive. And so I didn't. All week.

Which meant no Wednesday DnD (plus I wasn't feeling up to prepping or running something) and no Friday board games (since we're between campaigns right now). In essence, I did nothing, went nowhere, saw nobody, didn't drive. Nada, nothing, zip, zilch, nothing.

And mostly, other than a general urgh feeling, I really didn't have much dizziness other than when I was laying in bed and rolled over, or going from laying down to standing up. Basically horizontal to vertical or whatever. Some days there wasn't much of it at all. Other days there's a bout after I wake up and that's it.

It's just annoying more than anything. I'm not sick enough to really feel sick or "take to my bed" like a Gothic Victorian heroine. And, yeah, sure I could have probably driven, but I'm kinda glad I didn't. Next week though, I have shit to do, so you know.

Today, I got Ma to drive to the supermarket. Because it was raining. Or it had rained, and might have rained again. But mostly, I just went "yeah, nah".

You can pretty much fill in the blanks from here... supermarket, supermarket, supermarket. Back here, unpack, watch the YubTubs... and that was it really. We didn't have any plans or things we needed to do... the weather seems to think that it's May not February, so rain. So we didn't do anything. And Ma left around noon.

Current mood:

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