
photo saturday: fairy rogue

rook - fairy, assassin, thief

So, because this has been... a fucking week... let's just say hello to Rook for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book.

Rook was half an idea and never meant to make an appearance, but, weirdly I kinda know exactly who he is. Maybe because he's a rogue. And I love rogues.

He's a fairy, because I will continue to be obsessed with the new fairy race until I actually get to play one... or, you know, until I run out of ideas for fairy characters. But he's a fairy who is very good at sneaking around and getting in and out of places and finding shinies that nobody has physically nailed down or that can be easily pried loose, and therefore, clearly belong to him now.

Then one of the thieves guilds introduced him to the idea that people will give him shinies in exchange for ensuring people stop breathing. And he likes shinies.

In a perfect world, he'd probably he wielding a rope dart, but those aren't actually a thing in 5e, so he just has daggers that look like part of a rope dart. And a metal mask that used to be someone else's shiny, but they didn't nail it down.

I also enjoy that his name is equally a chess piece, a bird in the same family as the raven and crow as well as an Assassin's Creed: Syndicate reference.

I will say that if I was actually going to play him, I'd probably make him a Soul Knife, since the later Assassin abilities are kind of trash for any of the exotic races.

And no, I'm not avoiding talking about this week by waffling on more than normal, what are you talking about.

Moving on.

I made some version of chicken soup this week. I say some version because I basically threw everything but the kitchen sink in. For the purposes of soup anyway.

After last Friday's unexpected tradie visit, I expected to hear from them again early in the week in order for them to come and finish off the job, do the painting, that kind of thing. What I didn't expect was a message at 9:45 saying that one of their tradies had just finished a job and could them come finish off in about half an hour.

To which I said, yes, yes you can. And then spent the next 20 minutes taking a bunch of shit down off the top of my bookcases, move other stuff around and shift one of my chairs into the bedroom along with the lap top to let him do his thing.

It wasn't the same guy as Friday, it was an older guy, and after I explained the dealio, I just went and fucked around on the laptop with my headphones on, listening to YouTube videos I would normally half watch while doing other things on the laptop.

Tuesday. Tuesday was the problem.

Tuesday morning I checked my email, only to find a message from my land agent with the subject line "vacate". Not going to lie, my blood may have turned to ice.

Yes, turns out that my landlord has decided that she wants to sell the apartment. Which means that I have to move out. And for those of you with deja vu right now. Yes, that is why I had to move out of my last two apartments. I mean, in the case of Childers Street, the whole building had to move out because they were gutting the place, but it amounts to the same thing.

But, yes, that was unexpected and unwelcome and really the last thing I wanted or needed right now.

And even worse that the landlord really wants me out ASAP because she offered me a month of free rent if I could move out within the month. To which, I said in the nicest possible way, go fuck yourself.

I'm staying for the rest of the lease, because I'm not doing this shit in a panic again like last time.

I mean it's not without a whole, vast, interconnected and array of issues that are, for the most part, beyond my control to actually resolve as they rely on other people making decisions.

And as much as I've complained about this place, especially when I first moved in, I now have my routines and I love the ridiculously huge oven and it's basically in the perfect spot for any of my DnD trips.

Speaking of which... Thursday's DnD was, this week, for reasons, on Wednesday.

The second half of that adventure was pretty good... and everybody lived and we killed the bad guy and uncovered the mystery and all that good stuff.

I will also say that when I told the group about the aforementioned Tuesday issue, there were immediate offers to help me when it comes to moving day, so that was genuinely lovely and unexpected.

Friday was also Chiro Day... so I went into town, did the chiro thing, stopped off briefly at the Games World that recently moved to a much bigger store, then jumped on the bus home.

I was the only person on said bus and so when the old guy driving the bus went the wrong way through down because he usually drives the OTHER bus that gets me home and not this one, he felt compelled to keep talking to me, even though I was clearly wearing headphones and am, for the most part, too polite to just actively ignore him.

Then Friday night's DnD game was kind of a lot of "little errand, little errand, little errand, little errand, MAJOR FREAKING PLOT DEVELOPMENT AND TERRIFYING MONSTER THING LOOSE IN THE WORLD".

Which made DM Fluffy a very happy Fluffy and the rest of us regret our life choices. On the plus side, we levelled up, so that's nice. Good to be level 5 before a giant dragon wrecks all of our shit.

Today wasn't much of anything.

We did the supermarket, came back here, futzed around a bit, and because I wasn't in the mood for much else, we did a little trip to Haighs, then called it a day.

Current mood:

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