
photo saturday: arrows and ice

queen merida - archer, sharpshooter, outlanderfrostmaiden elsa - cold, wizard, hermit

And so we reach the last of the Disney Princess Adventurers in DnD Character Colouring Book.

Merida is basically already a DnD character to be honest... but I decided to make her an Arcane Archer, imbuing her arrows with magic... as well as giving her the Sharpshooter feat... because, well, Merida. And she's already an Outlander, finding food to feed her and her mother in the wilderness and finding her way in the world.

If I hadn't already gone with a Ranger for Snow White, I would have made Merida a Beast Master with a bear companion, because that makes sense too.

And as much as I would have liked Elsa to have been one of the characters for last week when Fluffy forced me to watch Frozen 2... she's here now... day late and a dollar short.

I absolutely took liberties with her costume... because, well... the cold never bothered her anyway. And given that she runs across a frozen ocean barefoot in the second movie, clearly that's a thing.

So that's why she has the the Elemental Adept (cold damage) feat... which doesn't give her resistance to cold unfortunately, but does mean she does a little more damage with cold/ice spells and doesn't care if the thing she's attacking is resistant to cold.

She's a hermit for obvious reasons, and Wizard just made the most sense... as did the fact that wizards have access to the most cold damage spells in the game, and those spells are mostly the School of Evocation.

So that's the end of that little diversion.

I did do a deep dive into the DnD Heroes' Feast cookbook this week... with Halfling Everything Soup (basically chicken and vegetable, but very tasty), Dwarven Flat Bread (decent, but not sure I completely got the hang of it),Halfling Oatmeal Sweet Nibbles (cookies)... which were amazing still warm from the oven... and were descended on as through by wild animals by the Thursday DnD crew.

Rolling back a second...

Thursday should have been excellent... I made cookies, we were finishing the second half of the first adventure in the series we're doing... and all of that was fine. What wasn't fine was when I powered on through a yellow light and had a little bit of a bumper bump with the guy in front of me who stopped sooner than I expected.

Thankfully all that really happened was his towbar pierced my bumper in a way that's hardly worth bothering about. So at least that was a bonus. But not a great way to start my Thursday night excursion.

Friday was Chiro Day... and technically also Haircut Day... in so much as I reshaved my head for this month.

And then we had our Session Zero for the new campaign... which mostly consisted of eating bread stuffed with cheese, chatting about what our expectations are for the new campaign... and then I retired to Mrs' study to read graphic novels while the others did their intro to the adventure. And then we played the first board game from the folks at Critical Role, Uk'otoa, which is a super fun game.

Today was the usual.

I'm attempting another recipe from the DnD cookbook this week... which is basically potato and leek soup, which I can make anyway, but I'm interested to try a different take on the genre.

But we did the supermarket thing... came back here, did the usual and then took a little trip to Haighs. Because, why not.

Current mood:

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