
photo saturday: fairy girl

tippy-toe - angry, tinker, fey

"Fairies have to be one thing or the other, because being so small they unfortunately have room for one feeling only at a time. They are, however, allowed to change, only it must be a complete change." - J M Barrie

I've been obsessed with the idea of the new fairy DnD race since it showed up in an early form. Not least of all because it means I could make a DnD version of Tinkerbell... who is absolutely my girl. Even if the DnD version is not all quite so small as Barrie's faries. But the idea of a barbarian is also pretty much perfection, because when she's happy, she's all joy, but when she's angry, she's all anger.

So meet Tippy-Toe, a Unseelie Fey from the Gloaming Court and Wild Magic Barbarian... all 2'9" of her (not counting the height of the wings). Her name is the original name of Tink before Barrie made the very wise decision to change it, and like her namesake, she's a Tinker... or some other kind of artisan anyway.

Why she's in the Material Plane I haven't worked out yet... it could just be as easy as "she was sent on a mission, but now that she's here, she can't remember what it is"... and she can't go home until she remembers. Which doesn't completely work with the artisan background, but, you know, we're just sketching with pencil right now... the pen comes later. And how much I want to be wedded to the Tinkerbell formula.

Moving on.

After stopping in to Coles to buy some of the items I couldn't get or forgot to get last Saturday, I made Tuna Noodle Casserole... perhaps not perfect, I really should have used the second can of soup, but perfectly functional and a full week's worth.

Thursday's DnD game was better than expected. Which is totally on me. One of the Thursday crew who doesn't normally DM stepped up to do this adventure, and he did an excellent job. He's DMed for me before... and I should have known he'd do well... but I underestimated him.

I also may have spat the dummy a little about people talking at the table while other people are interacting with the DM. I mean, we all do it, but this particular person has a history of it, and I just couldn't deal with it Thursday night. So, yes, small dummy spit. But on the up side, the person in question does listen and take things on board. Which is good.

After a weekend dealing with a still leaking roof, animal noises on the roof, a temporarily patched hole in my ceiling and no word from my land agent, I sent a couple of carefully worded messages to the land agent. And got an answer on Monday. It was the answer I was expecting... "they're waiting on a quote" or something similar. Which is the same problem as happened at the old apartment... and I'm not willing for it to take quite as long as that did.

However, at the game on Thursday night, I got a message at what must have been 9pm from a tradie company saying they had had a cancellation the following day, and could they come and repair the hole in the ceiling on Friday some time between 11am and 1pm.

Yes, yes you fucking well can. Thank you.

So, I moved some things around before 11am and waited. And waited. Noon came. 1pm came. 2pm came. I sent a message back to the only number I had asking for an ETA. And of course the tradie showed up by about 2:30 and then had to go and get some supplies. And five minutes after he went off to do that they messaged me to say he should be there soon. Always the way.

And it's always the way that they have been sending me the young, hot tradies. Yes, also variable amounts of dopey. But eye candy none the less.

Which was good, because he got back just after 3pm and didn't leave until 5pm. Of course, if he'd shown up at 11am, he would have been gone by 1pm... but at least I no longer have a hole in my ceiling. They do need to come back next week and sand and paint over the repair, but then we're good.

All they need to do now is send the roofers to actually fix the hole. And the pest people to deal with the possums or whatever the hell else is running around on the roof on the regular.

Friday's DnD game was great. A little shopping for things we can't afford with a shopkeeper who was wonderfully dry and sarcastic. Then we met some characters we instantly hated... and were supposed to hate, which is great. And we have a concrete plan going forwards, which is great.

Today was almost like old times. Almost.

We did the supermarket thing. I'm going with a fairly simple soup... probably chicken.

After that, we went to the movies. Because Ma has had a voucher for a cinema we never go to since The Before Times. And because it was a cinema we don't go to we got slightly lost on the way there, but we had plenty of time and it was a nice enough drive.

We went to the Hoyts version of Gold Class... Lux. Which means the tickets are twice as expensive, but you can get hot food brought in. So that was nice. Very good spring rolls and wedges actually.

More on the movie later.

It was a good time though.

Current mood:

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