
photo saturday: future self

mr keel - flotsam, shipwright, clericquill - stargazer, guardian, mother
This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is actual future characters... as in, characters I intend to play in other campaigns once our Friday group is finished with Avernus.

Mr Keel (always Mr, because politeness, and seniority) is for Waterdeep. He's a Warforged (not an actual Forgotten Realms race, but screw it, who cares, I've been wanting to play since I heard about them) literally washed up on the beach outside Waterdeep, got himself a job as a shipwright, and then later, because he's incredibly literal, saw some ripped posters that told him to serve one of the gods of creation, so he upped and left his job and went straight to the temple.

So now he's a Forge Cleric. Who is technically wearing armour (the model is actually just wearing boots and gloves, but in universe he's wearing armour), but Warforge can "incorporate" armour into their bodies and make it part of them. Which sounds pretty fucking cool, honestly. Plus he's got the cool head fin, which is where his name came from.

Quill, or Quillamina Silverthread (no relation to Orryn, I just really liked the surname, and didn't want to waste it just on a one-shot character), my first proper gnome. Like I know there was Orryn, but again, one-shot. So she'll be the first proper gnome. Mostly because we'll be playing with the new "move around your racial ability scores" variant that will come out in the new book next month.

She's a Way of Stars Druid from the same book, or will be if they haven't totally ruined the subclass when the published version comes out. So, she's a stargazer, and some kind of folk hero, I haven't worked out all the details yet... I do think she has a husband and a child though. 

Originally she was going to be a redhead, but I coloured most of her outfit first and when got to a certain point I realised that I'd more or less made Skywise from Elfquest... or a female, gnomish variant anyway. So I basically went with it and gave her silver/grey hair. I also really like the eyeliner and the freckles and the red rosy cheeks because she lives in the cold.

And the quilting on the lower tunic, the star patterns on the shoulders, the actual apple skin photo on the apple and the pattern on the chest leather. I tried repeating that pattern on the boots and the belt, but it never really worked, so I gave up. I also added in the silver cloak pin... which took a few goes to get right, but I really love the final version. This was where I really got into my groove and found the best way to lay in those textures, but she's one of the last ones that I did right before Hero Forge's colour tool dropped.

Sad face.

As much as I enjoy whipping up fully coloured characters in the tool, it's not quite the same honestly. I mean it's cut down my Google searches for random wood textures, random gemstone textures and other such things to basically nothing.


I didn't end up putting the chicken in the "minestrone" soup this week. I mean I could have... it might have been more interesting if I had. It was fine, it was just a little... average.

Otherwise the week was... actually, it was a bit of a nothing week, honestly. I did some general tidying up so I don't have to do it tomorrow or Monday for my rental inspection on Tuesday. Which mostly just consists of putting things back where they're actually supposed to go rather than just putting them neatly elsewhere.

Wednesday was... wait, can you hear that? Those crickets, and the tumbleweeds. Yeah, Wednesday. Nobody bothered to tell me if there was a plan, nobody bothered to tell me that there wasn't a plan. Nobody messaged me at the last minute to say "hey, forgot to tell you...". So as far as I know, there was no Wednesday night get together. Who fucking knows.

I'm not quite as salty as that sounds honestly. I mean I could have easily asked. And usually if something is happening, somebody says something eventually.

Friday night was our one year anniversary playing Balder's Gate: Descent into Avernus... I tried, more than once, to make a Avernus/anniversary tie in... Averniversary... anniAvernusary... yeah, there might be something there, I just can't fucking find it.

But it wasn't a bad session... it wasn't super huge, and while there was a mild character revelation, it was one I'd already thought of, had a brief look at, and then discarded as being "a bit too on the nose". I mean, honestly, I think it's just that I get how stories work. I get the shape of them. And as much as I'm delighted when they surprise me, especially when it's a good surprise, I often see the shape before we get there. At least it often feels like that.

In any event, it was a good evening, we finished it off with a game of Phase 10, which the Universe decided that I should completely dominate at. It happened when I shuffled the cards, it happened when other people shuffled the cards, it just seemed to happen. Which was kind of great. Not perhaps the best introduction for other people to the game... but, hey, I had fun, even if we ran out of time to actually finish all ten phases.

Today was an IKEA kind of day. In that, we went to IKEA.

But first we did the supermarket thing. And despite what I said last week... more soup again this week. Because the weather can't make up it's mind. Plus I didn't want to be fussing around with daily meals on an inspection week. It's potato and leek basically.

Then after the usual routine we headed for IKEA. Mostly to have a poke around their Christmas stuff. Because while we seldom ever buy any of it, we do like to have a poke and a look. Also, I think it may have been the first time we've been all year. I don't think we took a trip in January or February. I think maybe August last year... so yeah, it's been over a year.

Not that all that much changes really. The details change, which is kind of the point, but again, the story is much the same.

But we did the wander, got our steps in, picked up a few little bits of nothing much, and then called it a day.

Current mood:

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