Instead, since I've been producing a lot of character art for my DnD characters, by taking HeroForge screenshots into Photoshop and cutting and colouring the living shit out of them. And in some regards I've started almost creating them backwards, putting together a HeroForge character and then turning them into an actual character. If I couldn't make a convincing facsimile of a DnD blue dragon, I didn't want to make a blue dragonborn character.
Because of course I like my dragonborn to have characteristics of the dragons they're descended from. Even though they don't have to.
So, I present my 5'4" teenage human wolf totem barbarian (hence the yellow eyes), Fenris with his shiny new battleaxe (because I love playing against type, and big beefy barbarians are boring)... and the 7'2" blue dragonborn paladin warlock, Marux (which I'm choosing to pronounce as Maroo, because I can pronounce made up words however I like) with his somewhat sentient metal eyeball sword, Nym... a sword who only exists because I had a moment of 'genius' during the colouring process when I realised that the pommel was a sphere and I could do something with that. I then turned it onto a character detail that I would absolutely not have come up with otherwise. Which are those ridiculous character creation moments that I love.
With both of these, I created a version, coloured it, lived with it for a bit, then realised I wasn't happy, redid the model and then subsequently redid the colour. Three times now for Fenris since I decided to change his weapon.
Will we see more of these portraits? Who can say. I do know that I have enough images to last until November (or January if I include NPC designs), some of which haven't yet seen the light of the gaming table.
Moving on...
This week's chicken soup was... decent. I make a decent chicken soup. Sometimes better than others, but generally decent. The secret ingredient is always chorizo. Granted that's generally the secret ingredient in all my soups, but still.
In other news, I got super into my own head this week. Yay. By which I mean, not yay. I'm aware, mostly of the whys and wherefores, but that didn't stop it from happening. And a couple of badly timed external things just made it worse.
It did colour the week in increasingly more saturated colour as we progressed though.
So there's that.
When I started this week there were four DnD sessions on the docket. However, in a fact that is surprisingly completely unrelated to the previous one, yet still coloured/flavoured by it, by the end of the week that number was two. Monday and Tuesday happened. Monday was the last Monday session. Or the last Monday session for now/in the current adventure. Tuesday was the debut of Marux, and the same group as the Monday group, but with an additional interstate visitor (because online). And while the adventure was too damn easy, it was a good session overall.
Wednesday and Friday didn't happen. Other people pulled out, so I came down with a severe case of 'no-fucks-given-itis' and removed myself from the equation.
I'll have to deal with that later, but that's a problem for future me, not right now me.
Today wasn't much of anything, as previous today's have been of late.
Firstly supermarket. I'm going back to the chowder this week... but without chicken, probably. Most likely because I'll forget to check my freezer, and I didn't buy any. I wasn't intending to add chicken anyway, so that'll work out fine.
Then back here for all the usual stuff... which then got sidetracked because Ma was attempting to make corrections to the beanie she knitted me because it turned out too small... which in turn made it even smaller. So that wasn't exactly a productive use of time.
And that was it really.
Current mood:
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