
photo saturday: pride cleric

demyan - paingiver, noble, artistdemyan - whipmaster, noble, artist

I've talked about my favourite dumpster fire, Demyan, before. He was an NPC that got stuck in my head during a game I was running, and wouldn't go away. A human noble cleric to a goddess of pain, agony, torment and suffering. But he morphed into something completely different from what I thought he was going to be when I played him at a table of seven other people, at least half of which I wasn't that thrilled about being at the table with.

So Deyman the Contemptuous was born. Of the Seven Deadly Sins, he's pure Pride... with the occasional bit of Wrath mixed in. And I'm not going to lie, when I'm at my worst, there's a non-zero amount of Demyan in my personality.

Maybe that's why I love him so much. I mean, yes, playing him was a blast, especially in that very first game where he just came together. And there are some characters who just take up space in your brain and you need to fill out their world. Belben was one of those. And Demyan was absolutely another.

I know his family tree all the way back to the founding of the city of Mulmaster. I know the entire roster of clergy of his original church in Mulmaster as well as the one in his new home of Waterdeep. And I'm eternally grateful to the DM I had for all of his adventuring career, since she asked the four regular players to keep an in-character diary... or at least write a little bit about each game and send it to her. And in the grand tradition of the Harry Potter movie cast, I totally Hermioned that shit, and I think I'm the only one that did it consistently. Or possibly at all after the first few games.

But now I have a whole record of what I was thinking, or rather, what Demyan was thinking, for each of those games.

He's also the only cleric I've played for any extended length of time, so I had a progression/promotion track worked out for him in his temple. Which came with a new title and a new set of vestments in a new colour. Sadly, the transition from Paingiver in black to Whipmaster in red came right at the point where we stopped playing, so I never got to introduce him in game with the new look. There's also a third variation, Branded, where the outfit is white. But again, I'm not sure if he'll ever evolve into his final form.

Weirdly, because we're back in the same city with our Friday night game, and Fluffy is our DM for that, and Demyan and one of Fluffy's characters had a really intense bond (yeah, that's it's entirely own three part blog post), we were talking about it the other night when I drove him home. As we do from time to time. And so, lurking in the back of my head is either a fourth evolution or a different version of his final form. Still the white outfit, but with Exquisitor... not from any of the original lore like the others, but that idea that he becomes the... right arm... of his goddess, travelling across the land and ensuring that the temples abide by her teachings.

See, what did I say... some characters just wrap their tendrils in your brain and never let go.

Anyway... that will maybe make up for the fact that the rest of my week was... basic.

Oh, brief sidebar. Over the last week and a bit, I've watched amazing series Romulus, based on the founding of Rome. But, before all that. Even before the Romulus (and Remus) of the title. The cast is amazing... they're speaking Latin rather than English or Italian... it's very much in the Vikings mould. A little Game of Thrones-ey... but, you know, the early seasons before I stopped caring/watching.

Definitely something that I'd recommend though.

So, otherwise... Wednesday's DnD game actually went quicker than I thought it was going to. I had planned in the back of my head that this game would probably take another week. So colour me surprised when they decided to push on and finish.

At least we're starting a new module cleanly next week, rather than finishing one and starting one. So there's that.

Friday's game was good... we mostly dug into the roleplay side of things. Got to know the neighbours, did a few odd jobs, started on our house renovations. Yeah, I'm still talking about a game of DnD.

And then today we went to the supermarket. And that was it.

Current mood:

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