
photo saturday: dread boy walking

vinsento - undead, reborn, haunteddread vinsento - undead, reborn, haunted

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is what happens when you take an idea, base it around a pre-existing character, then at a certain point, turn left.

It started with the new Critical Role campaign (I think I mentioned that, maybe I didn't... Campaign 3 has started, I'm enjoying it quite a lot). One of the cast, Marisha, is playing a creepy Undead Patron Warlock. Which led me down the "how would I make one" path.

Which led me straight to my favourite FF7 character, Vincent Valentine... he's the best, and he's my boy, and once I worked out how to get him in the game (when I played it back in the day) I went and got him every other time (which I think was like... twice, maybe just once, it's been a few years).

But to my 20-something heart, he was just gothy enough, just tragic enough, just too fucking pretty even as a blocky sprite enough. And he also, spoilers for a 24 year old game, transformed into monsters as his Limit Break move.

For some reason... a reason I don't quite understand, I had thought that one of those forms was a werewolf. But not. He does transform into a demon beast thing which is the closest... but also a Frankenstein type monster, a Texas Chainsaw Massacre type man/monster, and finally a big winged demon monster. In my memory though... definitely a werewolf. But my memory, very wrong.

But I threw him into the blender with the creepy Undead Warlock, it's Form of Dread and Vincent Valentine, his shapechanging, the Gothic Lineages where one of them is the Reborn, a dead thing that didn't stay dead.

And ended up with... Vinsento Varentain. Which, I think is the transliteration of the Japanese version of his name (it's on his Wiki page, but doesn't specify what the name actually is). A dead man who didn't stay dead and now draws his power from the dead thing that brought him back. Also, his Form of Dread is basically the dead version of him.

I did have to do some Photoshop jiggery pokery in order to get the raven up on his shoulder (ie, just make the raven in a completely different character, screenshot it and add it in). And yes, for any Critical Role fans, the raven does have the same name as one of the Campaign 1 characters, but not named for them, it would be short for "vexation". I might also just change the raven's name to Hex. But then, that's a Warlock spell, so, confusing that way too.

I quite like him from a character design and visual perspective. Warlock isn't my favourite class though... the Invocations are great, but I get bored with the lack of spell slots and the reliance on Eldritch Blast. He could be fun for something short though.

Moving on...

Otherwise this week has been... *facepalm*. Yeah, that's the best way to describe it. Facepalm.

I made pretty decent pasta sauce this week... just mince and tomato and basil and onion... it came out pretty well. I did slice my finger open on a tomato tin lid though... because those fuckers is sharp.

I didn't mention it last Saturday, because it wasn't anything yet, but my should was a little weird. Like nothing I could put my finger on, just felt weird. And by Sunday it was worse, and by the end of Sunday I couldn't raise my arm on the left side past a certain point. That continued on into Monday. So by Tuesday morning I made an appointment with my chiro, because basically it all started, as far as I was aware, after my chiro appointment on Friday.

Saw my chiro, explained everything to her, realised that I'd been having some shoulder pain the previous week, but hadn't connected the two, she suggested that I should probably go and see a physio... and there just happened to be one down the corridor from her office.

I've been going there for... years. And I've never noticed or realised that before.

So I wandered down the corridor, made an appointment, wandered around for 15 minutes and then went back for my appointment.

My chiro is not a handsome 20-somthing man. My doctor is not a handsome 20-something man. My physio though... my physio is a handsome 20-something man. Which is fine. He's doing a job, I'd like a functional shoulder. But, you know, I noticed.

He seems nice though. And hopefully I won't have to see him for too long. But I left there with more peace of mind and a very simple exercise to do. And an appointment to see him next week.

The shoulder didn't get any worse throughout the week. But, yeah, facepalm seems to be the mood that most accurately sums it up.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you never realise how much you use a particular limb or body part until it stops working properly. A pain in the ass... but not a pain in the arm. So at least there's that.

Moving on...

There was no Thursday DnD this week. There could have been, but it would have been Wednesday, and Fluffy is our Guest DM for the next couple of weeks and he can't do Wednesdays.

So, no Thursday DnD.

After last week's Friday DnD Three Stooges escapades, we buckled down and started murdering some fools. Enough running around and sticking pitons in doors. And in the grand tradition of Dumb Luck, I accidentally ended the effect that would have allowed the Big Bad guy to really, really fuck us over. Don't get it twisted, he fucked us over enough. Me specifically. I went unconscious, I think, every single round of combat once we got into the big battle.

And now, I have no spell slots left, a single class ability left and about a third of my hit points. So, now we just need to escape the enemy fortress without everybody dying. Fun times.

Actually, with all that being said, it wasn't a bad time. I just hate having characters repeatedly knocked unconscious... it's annoying. It's part of the game... but still annoying.

Today.. rinse and repeat. We did the supermarket thing. We came back here, watched the beginning and then the end of what may be one of the worst movies I've encountered in a long time... The Eagle Has Landed. It's a World War II movie, made in the 1970's, where the movie is constructed in a way that tells you that the Germans are the heroes. And that we should want them to succeed. While the cast is all English and Americans, pretending to be from countries they are not from. For example, Sir Michael Caine as a German. And Donald Sutherland as an Irishman. It is... horrendous.

It was like a disaster you couldn't look away from. But we did miss, like, the middle hour of the movie. I don't think it would have improved things. I did get to keep going "oh, it's you, from that other movie". For example, Queen Bavmorda from Willow, Kenickie from Grease, the nurse from American Werewolf in London, JR from Dallas... among others.


We did that... when Ma went home.

Current mood:

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