
photo saturday: buddies

dnd buddies - palax and jolly
You know how when you're a kid, you can walk up to some other kid in the playground and just ask if they want to be best friends, and then you are best friends for the next... however long you're at the playground... and then you leave and never see them again.

I mean, not me... I don't think I ever did that, that sounds like torture... but it's a thing that people say and that people allegedly do. And I'm going somewhere with this, I promise, it's been a weird week, so bare with me.

As you get older, finding new friends at all is hard, and finding a "best friend" is... basically impossible. Thankfully, I can credit DnD for bringing me a whole new crop of friends in my fourth decade, without whom I may have lost all of my remaining marbles over the last year and a half.

Most notably amongst these is the aforementioned (in previous posts), Fluffy. Essentially as soon as I met him I was like "he's my kind of people", a thought which has been proved true time and time again.

And he follows in some excellent footsteps... Ludo (but without the crippling narcissism), Lownee (but without the Ludo handicap), J (but without the leaving the country and never coming back) and Owlgirl (but without the not getting to see her that much).

It's been a thought in the back of my head for a while that for whatever value the term "best friend" has, he's essentially tagged with all the appropriate designations. Which makes me happy.

Which brings me around to the DnD Character Colouring Book image for this week.

The other day Fluffy mentioned that he was trying to make himself in Hero Forge and that it was difficult... which I will always take as a challenge... turns out the versions of him we both made weren't that dissimilar (same hair, same basic colour scheme). Of course, then I needed to DnD-ify him... because he's basically a halfling... or at least lives in the same part of my brain.

And when the subject of my DnD equivalent came up, he said he always thought of me as a dragonborn... I suspect not least of all because the first character of mine he ever met was my big silver dragonborn, Zzilar.

That led me to look at the different dragon types and their personalities... and then I discovered this about brass dragons...

They loved to talk, to the exclusion of most else. They loved to engage friends and foes alike in hours of long-winded conversation.

And this blog isn't subtitled "garrulous" for no reason. So it had to be a brass dragonborn. I mean... if it was a full dragon, then no, because fuck their love for warm climates/deserts for their lairs... but I can cope with the dragonborn version.

Obviously, they're also wearing real world clothes because we weren't actually making playable characters... plus we never had a conversation about classes... but I'd suggest sorcerer for me, cleric for him. And I thought they needed culturally appropriate pseudonyms this afternoon when I was finishing off the image... and while these might not stick, they do amuse me.

They may or may not show up as NPCs in something at some point... because, you know... waste not want not.

Moving on...

I gave the Halfling Tomato Soup another crack this week... not following the recipe quite so strictly... and it worked out really well. That is now my go-to tomato soup recipe until the end of time.

It was Tuesday where the wheels feel off my week/life/universe.

So there had been outbreak rumblings on Monday, then Tuesday it was announced we were going back into lockdown for a week, and then Wednesday morning I just happened to look at the list of places where people had been... only to discover that Burnside Village was on the list. On Sunday. Between about 1-2pm... and, friends, is exactly when our Valiant Hero (ie me) went to the Village on Sunday to visit the bakery and get a pie.

Fuck, fuck, fuckkity fucking balling cocks.

So.... after wandering around the house for a bit and swearing, then having breakfast and making a couple of phone calls, I got in the car and set off on A Grand Adventure.

Thankfully folks had advised me to very much avoid the testing centre in the parklands, given that there were upwards of 8 hour waiting times. So instead I decided to head to the airport, since I'd been told that it was "pretty empty"... granted that was a couple of days before and not when everyone and their donkey were going to get tested.

Let me shortcut a lot of the description of my day with an image...

around and around and around and around... for five and a half hours

Yes... five and a half hours of sitting in my car... driving once every so often, turning the car off, watching the cars on the other side of the road move towards the finish line, seeing pretty much all of the delivery/transport companies and their warehouses and needing to pee from about the 2pm make onwards. Also, I managed to get wedged between the same two four-wheel drives for the entire journey (obviously), which made seeing much in front or behind myself impossible for chunks of the time.

And then at the end, a solid 30 seconds for the actual test where the very nice lady shoved a stick up my nose and also swabbed my tongue.

The feeling of actually being able to drive at a speed faster than a crawl once I left was, frankly, exhilarating.

I mean, I will say that things might have gone quicker if a) there were more than four staff doing tests and/or b) they had reorganised the carpark so that said staff were doing their testing side by side rather than in two columns and/or c) they had people doing the actual testing and then other people bagging things up and doing whatever seemed to be taking all the time between tests.

Having said that, however, my hat is off to not only the folk doing the testing, but the folk working at various points on the line (even the traffic control folk on the roundabout who I muttered about more than once), and everyone else who provided the 17,000+ tests that happened on Wednesday (up from our average of about 7000-8000 the week before... which has gone up to about 23,000 the last couple of days).

Long story long... my first test came back negative, but I now need to have two more tests done... one on Monday and one the following Tuesday. And I need to stay in my house for two weeks.



I mean, it's not the most problematic of things... this week, we all had to be in the house anyway because Lockdown. It just made today super weird.

Well... also possibly Thursday and Friday... because, honestly, I wasn't feeling in the online DnD mood... and I definitely wasn't feeling in the mood to play my halfling bard at all.

So no DnD this week.

Thankfully Ma offered to do my shopping for me, since I can't do it myself... so she brought things down and dropped them off yesterday morning... which felt weird anyway, because Friday shopping, not Saturday shopping. Even if I wasn't doing it myself.

And Mrs organised a parcel of brownies to be delivered which arrived on Friday also. Friday was also the day I got my test results back... so, all around, Friday was a "good" day.

Today was just... weird. And by weird, I mean, the same as the last several days. By which I also mean... nothing happened. Plus I've been swathed in all the blankets, because it's bloody cold and for the most part, why turn the heater on when it's just me.

One of the downsides to all of this is that this Thursday was supposed to be the day that the plumbers came out to look at the roof/leak. So now that's on hiatus for a couple weeks... and once again this weekend we're having all the weather. Woo. Or, you know, not.

Honestly, I should be fine... but, you know, if you could think good thoughts in my general direction, that'd also be appreciated.

Current mood:

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