
photo saturday: extra

lady larimar - ladyship, enchantress, lesbianmarli - illusionist, entertainer, dwarf

The word of the day is... extra. Let me use it in a sentence... "these DnD Character Colouring Book characters are very extra".

Partly these are me, trying to teach myself how to apply makeup, albeit not to myself, also digitally, and using the preset options in Hero Forge. They're also what happens when I start just fooling around with options and then like what I've done and end up making the rest of the character to match.

I wasn't even sure they were wizards until I sat down to make the images this afternoon. Normally I lean much more in the direction of sorcerers, because, honestly, they're just better. Charisma casters > Intelligence casters... fight me. And if I was actually going to play one or other of them, I'd probably rebrand them a little... but for right now... wizards.

Lady Larimar is also what happens when at a certain point you think about designing someone your one confirmed lesbian character would crush hard on... while Marli (or to translate his name, Golden Pride) is the answer to the question "what happens if you combine a dwarf and a drag queen?".

Also the fact that I love playing with skin colour... except I just realised that Marli should be a hill dwarf, not a mountain dwarf, but fuck it... I love the alternate versions of dwarves (gold and shield, standing in for hill and mountain respectively) and the two variations of high elves, sun elves and moon elves (of which Larimar is the latter, obvs).


Roof/leak update... Grubby returned, this time with a different apprentice... Nerd Mullet. Yes, nerd glasses and a mullet... sort yourself out boy... look at your choices.

Anyway... that's somewhat burying the lede... Grubby couldn't work out where the leak was coming from yet again, which was why he needed to saw a hole in my ceiling.

Yes, you heard that right. A big-ass hole (relatively speaking)... not that big in the grand scheme of the universe. But still a hole.

On the up side, he located the issue about 30 seconds later, thanks to all that lovely daylight visible through the gap. So, they covered the hole with a temporary fix courtesy of some plastic board and masking tape, swept up all the mess they made and they reported back to the Powers that Be.

So now we wait.

I was somewhat reminded of the water drama from my previous apartment though... just because I had to move furniture and there wasn't much point in putting it back right now, since I'd just have to shift it all again. Of course if it takes them forever to return, I might rethink my stance, but it just makes life easier right now... at least for wall related hijinks.

Of course, if it takes them as long as it did for them to fix the previous drama (September 2014 - March 2015), I will not be a happy bunny. But that time they had to replace the whole roof if memory serves... this shouldn't be that extreme.

Moving on.

I made soup... I just say soup because it was one of those recipes I made up out of my head, but honestly, it was something of a version of the DnD Halfling Everything soup... but made in the spirit of the recipe rather than the actual recipe. In so much as the in world lore talks about the soup being made by whatever you have on hand. Which I did... so basically chicken, vegetable and tomato soup... quite good, even if I do say so myself. Which I do.

Thursday's DnD saw the return of Fluffy as Guest DM... and an adventure that can only be described using the word of the day... "extra". Fun, chaotic, potentially a little scattered... and depending on how things eventually shake out, possibly a tiny bit predictable. Although I hope that it works against the assumptions of players and goes in a completely different direction.

But definitely an interesting change of pace.

Friday's DnD was... well... it went in an unexpected direction. It didn't start out the way I really expected it to... partially because of my character and it certainly ended up somewhere unexpected, again, because of my character. Which isn't that surprising given there are only three of us.

But we're collecting more NPCs... we're now three gnomes travelling with a talking polar bear, a mummified ancient elf and an awakened berry bush. Or, as things currently stand, two gnomes and a disembodied spirit shaped like a leaf.

And it'll be a couple of weeks before we get back to it due to life and whatnot. So there's that.

Today we actually left the house after shopping... which is a bonus.

We did the supermarket thing. I'm attempting a pea and ham soup this week... they can go either way, and, honestly, it's a lot of peas. But I'm following advice from past me and cramming it with a lot of other vegetables.

After the unpackery, we headed out to Big W, because Luca is out on DVD and Ma hasn't seen it yet. So we grabbed that, wandered around the store and then called it a day.

Current mood:

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