
photo saturday: book smarts

the author - eloquent, florid, famousthe librarian - knowledgeable, severe, uptight

Something slightly different for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book. A new adventure book came out this week, Candlekeep Mysteries, all set in and around the largest library in Faerun... a library that is basically a whole city/castle/keep. Hence the name.

Which of course got me thinking about the type of character I'd play in those adventures. Really dig into the theme. And these are really only character sketches, I'm not completely sure even what classes I'd pick. Maybe the Order of Scribes Wizard, possibly a Mastermind or Inquisitive Rogue, could be a Knowledge Cleric... and if I wanted to punish myself somewhat, maybe a Lore or Eloquence Bard... I gotta say, I just don't feel bards. For me. For other people, go your hardest, but, yeah (and I realise, it's the spells... I don't love the bard's spell list). But any of those would fit.

All I do know is that they're a halfling Sage author and a high (moon) elf Cloistered Sage librarian respectively. I don't even really have names for them yet... potentially something like Harland or Vadim for him... maybe Istima or Parmandur for her.

I do know that he's a writer of particularly badly written but highly popular purple prose "romance" novels, which could be very fun to play with. Possibly they're written under a pen name... say, a purple tiefling woman called Euphoria or Allure or Bliss... or if I want to lean into the stupidity, Chastity, Honour or Prudence. Or Eminence maybe. Prudence Phlox perhaps. I do like a nice bit of alliteration. Or his real name is alliterative but the pen name isn't. Euphoria Phlox does kind of speak to me. Not sure.

I also really just like the idea of him being well known in his own right. Maybe the tiefling is the main character of all his books, and people keep thinking she's actually a real person and assume she writes the books. Like I said, it's just a sketch right now, a work in progress. One that might never come to anything.

The librarian I have less of a handle on. And honestly, I made her first and then kind of wandered away from the idea and off towards the halfling. As I'm generally want to do. I do feel she's more likely the wizard or the cleric (probably the cleric, honestly, I prefer them over wizards) and he's more likely the bard or the rogue. And, honestly, him as an Eloquence Bard would kind of be amazing given that they literally have an ability that "unsettles a creature and causes it to doubt itself"... and bad fiction will do that to you.

The fact that they're mostly brown and red in their colour schemes is slightly accidental. Possibly loosely inspired by the fact that the alternative cover for the book is dark red.

But that's a little peak into how I think about putting characters together. Or at least names and ideas.

Moving on.

I made soup.

Soup season is back baby. Even if the weather at the start of the week wasn't as conducive to soup as it became by the end of the week. And it wasn't bad for a starting off point. Kind of a amalgamation of vegetable and minestrone and chicken. Basically it was vegetable soup with tomato and chicken. And a nice dose of chilli. Tasty though.

Wednesday's DnD game was... oh it was a shit show. A decision was made to move to a different venue. Which, theoretically, fine. However nobody bothered to ask if I was okay with it, and the party was just... I dunno... distracted by shiny things. I couldn't tell ya.

But it was somewhat hard to get them focussed. Which is always a pain in the ass.

No thank you ma'am.

Thursday, I went out to pick up Soul on DVD with some of my birthday money, which was a perfectly okay trip. More on the movie later.

Friday night's DnD game was much better. Even if I did slightly overcook the bread by maybe 10 minutes. So not a disaster, but definitely the first time I've done that. I also forgot to take a photograph of it... so there will be no evidence. That's not why I forgot, a consequence, not a cause.

I also lost my proverbial mind when Mr lost the concept of grammar halfway through a sentence. He wanted to say "What does he look like", but part way through it coming out of his mouth decided to go for a gender neutral "they" and it came out "What does they look like". And for reasons I can't adequately explain I found that hilarious and lost my mind for a short period of time.

Also, Fluffy, our DM, really wants to skip things forward in time, but hasn't worked out that that's not going to happen if he doesn't stop giving us story hooks related to things we care about that kinda need to happen right away or that we want to investigate or get into immediately.

He'll get there. Or he won't and we'll basically end up finishing the adventure only having known each other for a month. Which is fine, because this is really only a palette cleanser before the more long and involved adventure he's going to be running.

Today wasn't much... kinda.

We did the supermarket thing, came back here, and then the plan, which has been a plan for... a little while, was to watch Soul, which we did. And that was it really. If I'm honest, we kinda probably should have done this NEXT weekend, given that it's Easter Saturday, and who knows that the fuck we'll want to do then. I'm guessing a big fat bowl of nothing honestly.

Anyway... that was that.

Current mood:

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