So that's nine of the new version of Mr Sloppy (well, I know where a tenth version is thanks to Brodhe, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get to photograph it myself)
Well, not just for Mr Sloppy... for street art in general... which then kinda turned into a Backstreet Photo Safari. Damn I've missed that!
And if I didn't get sunburned yesterday, I definitely did today... stupid me, right across the back of my neck!
I also ended up going a little bit all over the place... firstly I headed down Main North Road, snapped the Mr Sloppy at the top, which is definitely my favourite of all the Mr Sloppys so far (not just colour, but placement too)... then, since I was in that direction, I segued over to Prospect Road to check out Honeysuckle Lane...
I'm just going to put it out there... but we need a do-over... there's some new stuff, but it's all the "New York" style street art... unreadable words... which has never really been my thing... and Benzo's "2B General" is looking tired and faded, which makes me sad (especially since he's still my desktop and iPhone wallpapers even after all this time, plus I have a photo of it sitting next to my TV). So, yeah... buff the lot and let them all start over!
Next up was the Hawker Street Park, because I was hoping to finally be able to take some decent shots in morning light of the Toy Soldiers Crew pieces up there... but it wasn't to be... they'd been buffed and replaced with more of the New York style.
So from there I headed into the city, parked the car by the Toy Soldier Crew mural near Whitmore Square and want a-wandering!
I know that I've done that section of the city before, but I haven't done any of the Backstreet Safaris for AGES, so it was nice to look at everything again with a fresh eye... and there will be more than enough pictures to post on the blog for some time to come!
After wandering around for a bit, I moved the car and wandered closer to Waymouth Street, which happened to take me past The Benzo House, where Ryan Sims is stitching a picture into the perforated metal gate... and it looks awesome!
And then I found the last two Mr Sloppys... I'm a little miffed though, when I saw the middle Mr Sloppy as we drove past yesterday, there wasn't a mark on him... but obviously some random tagger came along last night and decided he was better than well thought-out and planned street art...
I also found the very newest of the Toy Soldier Crew murals, behind Jive on Hindley... big, new, exciting stuff... although distinctly lacking in Benzo... but I think he's in Asia again!
Right after that I found the last of the Sloppys... the Blank Canvas Sloppy, if you will...
So that pretty much filled up my morning... I came home, had some lunch, blah blah blah, started playing around with the images, writing up this blog post, looking at stuff online...
And that's where the day took a turn for the strange... I found a Benzo piece I hadn't seen before on Flickr... which was almost within spitting distance from my house... so I jumped in the car, not really expecting it to still be there... but it was... and I had the weirdest reaction... I started shaking. Now I've had a lot of reactions to street art before, but never that...
Suffice to say, it's beautiful and it looks like it's pretty damn permanent (sidebar: I want to buy a house I can get people to come and put street art all over the front of!!!) so while the photos I took today might not be much, I'm going back!
It's been a very street arty day really!
Current Mood:

1 comment:
Good morning, yani! You will have to post every single artwork of your future houses wall, one day. :) I'm curious about it.
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