
random carter hotness

I'm not going to lie... I remember this week's Random Hotness when his music video first appeared here in Australia way back in 2000... when he was 13 years old...

He's appeared as Random Hotness previously, back when he turned 18...

And contrary to rumours that keep doing the rounds... no, he's not dead... although he did just go into rehab...

He's Aaron Carter...

aaron carter - noh8 aaron carter
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Andy22 said...

Sorry, he's not hot anymore. I don't think you've seen this: http://entertainment.wagerweb.com/entertainment/aaron-carter-is-looking-kind-of-gross-pic-26643.html

Andy22 said...

Or look at this comparison: http://celebrities.ninemsn.com.au/img/blog/blog111010_aaron.jpg