
photo friday: street art

street art: head 2007street art: prospect 2007street art: geisha 2007street art: robot 2007I loves me some street art...

Everything but the geisha was snapped on Australia Day last Friday after our visit to the museum... and the geisha was from our little jaunt down to Port Adelaide on Saturday...

Even though the brown and grey pieces are actually on different buildings (although in the same street), I'm pretty sure that they're both by the same artist... there's something very similar in those top two faces. I just wish I could have gotten a full image of the grey house... the art covered the ENTIRE front of the two story building... plus around the edges of the double car garage area on the side. But there was both a tree and a van (and maybe a telephone pole) in the way, so instead I just had to content myself with shooting various bits and pieces of it.

I also just came back from paying my rent, and I heard a very interesting piece of gossip... well, interesting to me anyway... I don't know how interesting it will be to anyone who doesn't live here... the guy who owns my building also owns a place one street over and another one in Glenelg, both of which bear his name... so, three apartment buildings, two of which bear his name, one of which doesn't... from what the guy in the office across the way tells me, he's just sold the two buildings that bear his name... and kept this one.

Does that make any kind of sense to anybody else? He keeps the building that doesn't have his name on it, and sells the ones that do... It's not even like the place has the most apartments (I think). Why, oh why, oh why couldn't he just have sold this building... even if I had to go back to the vague drama of having biyearly inspections it would still be better than this... *sigh*

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Sunshine said...

Prolly has something to do with some dodgy tax schemes (ala, if he sells your building, he'd have to pay more tax or something like that). :P

Ben said...

No doubt it has something to do with money ... and probably lots of it!

Larry said...

The bodies are buried in the basement of your building and he can't risk discovery.

I really really like the 2nd image (the brown one). My friend Meagan works at a gallery nearby and one of the artists they feature does street art professionally. His pieces are very cool, but of course rather pricey.