And sometimes the universe sends you an adorkably sweet American in his early 20's as if to say "just fucking do it already"!
Honestly, today was a little of both.
After all my thinking and ranting in Friday's post about joining the gym... and the fact that I put a pair of jeans yesterday that used to fit just fine but which I could no longer do up... I headed over there when I went out to get my newpaper this morning, just to get the whole "look around" thing over with.
And the guy on the counter was very cute and said he'd show me around... so right there, that's a bonus... it's like when I went to look around the Renaissance Club gym during my lunchbreak many, many, many moons ago and there was a hot naked guy in the changerooms... essentially it just sometimes take a little bit of pretty to make me pay attention.
I did wonder how many times I have going to have to fill in my name and contact details. First the visitor register, then the pre-tour/consultation document, then finally the membership application. A touch of overkill there guys.
Anyway, I filled out the consultation thing and then ASA (Adorkably Sweet American) came over and we had the "why are you here, what do you want to get out of this" chat... during which I had to consciously think to myself "don't flirt"...
So after we'd done the chat, he took me on the tour... the gym itself isn't really that big so it didn't take long... it was kinda weird though that I've stood in a few of those spots back before it was a gym, when I was taking photos of a couple of models up there.
Then we discussed the sordid topic of coin... turns out though that I'd gone in on the "right" weekend... there's normally the joining fee and the admin fee if you pay month by month, but if you pay all at once there's no admin fee and if you join up after the first time you look around, they drop the joining fee.
So essentially, that's about $250 savings right there.
And I'm cheap and impulsive and occasionally decisive... so I just said to ASA "let's do it"... and I was talking about me signing up, obviously...
It was all a bit of a whirlwind after that... I filled out my details for the third time... my card was swiped through the EFTPOS machine... I was given a tiny little membership card that's supposed to go on my keyring... so I'm sure that the photo of me (via webcam no less) they took for their database probably features me with a slightly gormless expression on my face...
And I have an induction session next Sunday...
So that's going to probably be a week of me making shit up as I go along until then.
I'm freaking out a little bit... partially because I always freak out when something new is about to happen, but also because I have no idea how this is going to fit into my timetable. I want to go before work (so that I can't come up with as many excuses... because that worked well for my walking routine for four years), and they open at 6am, which is useful.
There are also classes at 6:15am, also useful... but I'd probably go to the gym and then come home and shower and get dressed... in fact, I can't see me really needing the full sized lockers at any point... except maybe in Winter when it's cold and I want to take a jacket and umbrella. But I don't know how long the classes go and if I'll make it back in time to do everything I need to do here in order to still get to work at the same time. I know that I probably won't have time to sit down with the laptop in the mornings like I do currently... and I'll need to do breakfast before I go too...
Or maybe I just readjust my working hours... which I don't really want to do... but if needs must...
Sorry... that was a bunch of stuff that I hadn't necessarily thought all the way through.
I just need to keep in mind that unlike my morning walk, I've actually paid for this... and if it turns out I need additional motivation via a personal trainer, I can pay for that too.
This time next week I should be better though... I'll have a vague idea what the hell is going on, and I'll have some sort of plan from the induction thing.
Until then, pray to your appropriate deity or demigod for me...
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