Can you tell it hasn't been a stellar day?
I've got blisters on the balls of my feet (always guaranteed to make me cranky), I had an annoying tangle with a Bootcamp squad on my walk this morning, I got stared at (and as a result got all paranoid for no good reason) by a Father/Son duo on the bus and then when I got to work it was full of people being overly sociable and noisy and just put me in a mood...
And once I got in the mood, I couldn't shake it, so I ended up just closing myself off in my little corner and I maybe said half a dozen words to anybody all day. Well, nobody at work anyway...
It's doubly annoying when I get like this because if nobody notices or says anything then I get moodier because nobody noticed... and if they do notice (which, I'll admit, a couple of people did or at least made a comment about me being "quiet") or attempt to cheer me out of it then I just want them to leave me be.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't...
And I'm still not completely over it, which is fun (not)...
I actually wrote this whole thing out in much greater detail earlier, but there's nothing worse than listening to somebody else whinge about their day, so I decided against posting the whole thing... and I'm going to shut up now...
Thank all appropriate deities I have a couple of Magnums in the freezer though...
Current Mood:

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