Welcome to Friday, and Yani's World of Snark...
I realised this morning that I've been fairly snarky at work the last few days, particularly in the general direction of the Boss Manchild. And not without good reason... I gave him stuff last Friday that he swore he would get back to me by that afternoon. A week later and I'm still waiting on it.
Of course, as soon as I started pondering that thought (and had a bout of additional snarkiness this morning), he actually got his arse at least partially into gear and gave me enough stuff back so that I had a project that kept me completely occupied for the whole day (and I'll have to finish up on Monday).
Even so, I've got no qualms whatsoever about walking away from the place come next Friday whether the job is finished or not... they know I'm going, they know there is X amount of work that needs to be done before I go, and yet they (and BMC particularly) drag their feet with it.
We'll have to see how it all works out though I guess.
I decided that today needed to be a Market Day... I was in need of a Central Market excursion, so I took an hour for lunch and toddled on over.
Obviously the Universe heard me whining the other day, because there's a store that opened since the last time I was over there... Little Tokyo! (complete with exclamation point I might add)... sadly they only had a three teir Bento box, but with any luck they're getting more in next week. For now I settled for getting Ma a little mouse/bear/keyring thing in a pink kimono... all cute and stuff.
Oh, and as I was going into the store, who should be outside in his chef's outfit and red Crocs but Simon Bryant, Executive Chef at The Hilton and star of The Cook and The Chef. Hey, I said it was a true story, I never said it was interesting!
Then I got some bad service (I've been standing looking at things for like five minutes, could you at least ASK me if you can help me, ya stupid bint) and a brooch made with Japanese paper for Ma (it's like clear resin over the paper, it's loverly).
After that I hit Goodies and Grains for Vegie Chips and dark couverture chocolate (and bonded with the serving girlie over their Rocky Road... she made appreciative faces when I told her I make mine with Turkish Delight) and kind of wandered around aimlessly looking for anywhere in our pathetic little "Chinatown" that might have the kind of box I'm after. No luck.
But then I stopped off at one of those hippy dippy stores (a new one, rather than the one I've visited previously) and found a very cool Bastet statue... most of the smaller ones aren't nearly as detailed and interesting, but this one was just very regal and gorgeous... and also the last one left in the store... and now she's mine (and headed for the Christmas Abyss).
Oddly I didn't actually buy a damn thing inside the Market proper... just skirted around the edges. I should have bought some apples, even though I really didn't have time to be hungry all afternoon.
And I got distracted by a hot, skinny guy in one of the Chinese supermarkets who was wearing impressively filled bike shorts... nummy!
While we're on the topic of men, the Universe has decided to throw redheads at me. Okay, "throw" isn't quite the right phrase since I haven't caught any of them yet, but I think I've seen more cute redheaded boys (and we're talking BRIGHT CARROT ORANGE, none of this Strawberry Blonde nonsense) this week than I've seen for months. Can I have one now... please? I promise not to break him (very much)!
Oh, and speaking of Signs From The Universe... today on my way to work I saw two Crumpler bags (okay, one was a paper bag, but it still had the Crumpler logo on it). I couldn't tell you the last time I saw even a single bag (the logo is a different story, because you see that around as a sticker in weird places from time to time), but today, two. So obviously I'm supposed to buy one (see, I can justify anything!).
Also, I'm in geek-related mourning... David Tennant is quitting Doctor Who *pout*. But I've think I've decided which of the names being bandied about that I want to replace him... Paterson Joseph, because he would be the first black Doctor, and how fucking cool would that be! Either him or James McAvoy (aka Mr Tumnus)... coz, again, nummy!
Oh, and Happy Halloween too!
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1 comment:
Next year, I must keep a list of your Christmas Abyss purchases. Your and your Ma's Christmas stockings must be huge. Do you fly them in hanging from helicopters?
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