Part of the problem with starting work again is that I never quite remember how much stuff I should buy and what proportion needs to be easy to make stuff for after work (yeah, I know... my life is so hard, not!)... so I think I kinda fudged my way through this week... I'll probably end up with too much stuff, especially since I'm supposed to be going out to dinner at Rockchick's house on Friday...
We'll see...
The Red Circle Boutique we wander around most Saturdays is in the midst of a makeover, and suddenly there are aisles where there was (and still is) carpet... and spots that used to be aisles that now run straight into shelves... annoying really... and they're moving both the DVDs and the menswear to a different corner (they're still together though)...
Have I mentioned that I don't really like change? And that I'm a big sookiebaby? *wink*
Anyway... after the Supermarket and RCB Adventures we headed down to Marion. No real reason, except we haven't been down there in a while... and I needed a bulb for my glitter lamp. Okay, so I've needed a bulb for months now, and keep forgetting to get the bulb out of the lamp (which takes all of about 30 seconds) but this week I got all inspired and took it out so I didn't forget.
I also got some new socks (thrilling, I know, but it was a topic of discussion earlier in the week)... some ones specifically for walking (the label has a photo of a guy's very impressive calf muscle and is all covered with words like "performance" and "active" and "cushion" and "support" and "Sizes 6-10"... oh, wait... scratch that last one) which have a coloured toe and heel so at least I'll be able to tell them apart from my regular socks. One thing I have to ask (although the answer occurs to me as I write that) is why they always make the colours all different on multipacks of socks with coloured bits. Yes, yes, I know, it's so you can tell one pair from another, but it still offends my aesthetic sensibilities... plus if you get a hole in one of the blue toed pair and one of the black toed pair, you look weird making a black and blue pair...
After we'd wandered around Marion for some indeterminate length of time and I'd ogled all the variably attractive guys in their trackpants (I don't know what was up with that, but there seemed to be a higher proportion than normal in trackpants...) we decided the head over to Ikea to continue "The Search For The Perfect Clothes Hamper"...
I noticed earlier this week that my old wicker hamper which I must have had for about 108 million years had finally started to succumb to living right next to the shower and getting a little damp on a daily basis.
Trust me, you don't want to know... let's just say it's passed it's use-by date...
I'd looked at one in one of the el cheapo shops that wasn't bad because it had feet, got it up off the ground, but it was also some wicker stuff... we'd seen one somewhere else that was all plastic and had a "two stage" lid or something, essentially the lid tipped forwards and backwards, but I could see that that would become annoying in short order...
Basically I couldn't see anything good for a halfway decent price...
Then we hit Ikea...
I realised at one point that the store layout seemed to have changed... then I realised that we were actually going with the arrows (and the sheep) instead of going backwards around the whole floor... funny how that will change your perspective.
Anyway, there was much looking at sidetables (Ma bought one that I'm supposedly going to have to varnish or stain or oil or something so it's currently living under my couch in the flatpack, and I got a little cheapo steel and glass table that has gone away for Christmas, which is good, because I have no idea where it's going)... and beds (I need a new one, or a mattress at the very least... and the Mandal one kinda looks good)... and dining tables (Ma needs a better, smaller one but she can't decide what she wants) before we got around to laundry hampers.

It does seem very striking when you go into the bathroom though, it's all BLACK AND EYECATCHING against the white tiles... but I suppose white wouldn't have been much different, other than the general whiteness and newness of it.
I did take some sweet revenge on my neighbours during the construction phase though... the whole thing is metal (well, the frame obviously, the rest of it is all 100% polyester) and needed to essentially be hammered together... I quite enjoyed that... hammering away with all my might and having the vibration/thumping/noise echo through the building to whatever neighbours were around... it's called karmic payback people, deal with it...
Ahem... moving on...
Course then I had to mop and scrub and otherwise clean and de-yuck the spot for the hamper (also, I need a new mop, my mop sucks)...
So that was my day... how about you?
Current Mood:

Glad you found some socks!
Be wary of IKEA mattresses... I had one and it lasted for 18 months and it didn't exactly see much heavy activity if you know what I mean. After 12 months it was as lumpy and uncomfortable as hell and I gave in and saved my back and bought one in a bed shop which has lasted 4 years and shows no sign of giving up the ghost yet. IKEA bed-frame still going strong though! :)
Yeah I was already leaning that way... but it's good to have some confirmation :)
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