
ma's presents 2007

As always, my very last pre-Christmas duty is to wrap all the presents for Ma... technically I could have done it on Saturday afternoon, but then they would have just had to sit around the place all weekend, so I decided today would be a plan...

And instead of my usual plan in years past of just photographing them against my really unattractive carpet, I set up a mini-studio on the floor, much like I did when I was photographing her birthday presents... dragged out a piece of really appalling faux velvet that I have in the wardrobe (and have never used for an actual photoshoot thankfully) and this was the result... could have been worse I guess...

So because of that I couldn't quite fit all the wrapped items into one shot while keeping them still visible... hence the two "after" shots (it could have been worse too, but I decided to double up each of the DVD's, so there were only seven bags for those instead of a possible fourteen). And look, I even bothered with a bit of ribbon this year! But only because it came in the pack with the red and green ribbon we bought on Saturday.

This year her gifts are: Only another eighteen hours or so to go before she gets to open them...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Wow, that's quite a stash! Hope you have a great Christmas!

yani said...

Wait til you see my stash (in theory anyway) hehehe...

And same to you, wherever you happen to be with all your globetrotteryness ;)