
incoherent party defbrief

It's half past two in the morning, so I will make this as brief as humanly possible and attempt to ramble something more coherent in the morning at some point...

Well... this IS the morning, but, you know... more like daylight morning, not middle of the night morning...

Weirdly enough I'm stone cold sober, but I'm either drunk by osmosis or else I'm trippy for other reasons... have a MASSIVE headache right now though...

Short version... party good... "diet" broken in spirit if not in actuality... presents appreciated (painting displayed to people without me being in the room)... people freaky with occasional instances of cute and/or interesting... B waaay drunk... much yaaaay of the return of J... and it's no fucking wonder I'm still single.

I'll fill in the blanks later.

Current Mood:

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