
ma's presents 2005

ma's presents 2005With four days to go until Christmas (plus the fact I won't be seeing Ma again until the big day), I figured today was as good a time as any to wrap Ma's presents (basically before the weather turns stinking hot again and I don't feel like doing anything)...

I like presents. I like the wrapping, I like the ribbons and tissue paper... I like the whole nine yards... but when I'm wrapping stuff myself, well, it's bag and box city. It's quick, it's painless, there's no sticky tape to mess with, there's no trying to get the thing to sit right while you wrap it... none of that... it's just tissue paper and go... and I like for there to be a grand tower of tissue paper sticking out the top of the bag... it looks festive I think (it's a little hard to tell, but most of the white tissue paper in the shot actually has gold writing on it... Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Joyous Noel... that kind of thing). Plus I wrap everything individually... I could have stuck all the DVD's in a couple of bags, but where's the fun in that... they must all be wrapped up separately...

Anyway, Ma's presents this year are:
....and (its actually missing in the before shot) an IOU for the Pirates of Penzance DVD I mentioned the other day.

As The Other Andrew said recently... it's going to be a very DVD Christmas...

It's a shame I wasn't blogging last Christmas, because she made out like a bandit last year... every time she mentioned liking something or wanting something or thinking of something I pretty much went out and got it... plus a bunch of other stuff I know she likes or wanted... but there's only so much you can do when you're not working...

Current Mood: it's beginning to feel a lot like christmas...


yani said...

No chance... she doesn't even know that I blog... hehehe

jjd said...

um, can I be your ma?

Sunshine said...

Oh oh - Sam's mum is buying me those house perfume thingy for Christmas!!! :)