
some new experiences i could do without

the manly art...You know it's probably not going to be the best sexual experience in your life when you keep experiencing firsts... and not the good kind...

The first time I've ever rocked up at somebody's place and discovered that I've been there before... not to see them, but to see their (thankfully absent) flatmate... so, of course you don't mention that until AFTERWARDS...

And the slightly less amusing first... the first time I've ever had a condom break on me (emphasis on the phrase "on me")... granted I haven't indulged in the manly art of sodomy THAT often... but there's nothing quite like that feeling and/or sight of looking down and realising what's supposed to be there isn't there...

Add to that the fact that the apartment in question is a PIGHOLE... granted it was a pighole last time I was there... but it was even worse tonight. I mean, I know I can be untidy, but this was beyond that.

So I don't think we'll be making a return visit any time soon...

There are some days when it doesn't pay to leave the house (you know, again)

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Anonymous said...

You're a naughty bloke.

yani said...

Who, me?

No, actually I can't even be bothered pretending that's not a correct statement... :P