
random days hotness

Twelve Days of Christmas that is...

Today's "Bumper Double Christmas Random Hotness Special" comes via reFRESH magazine. For their December issue they asked a range of photographers to do "a photographic interpretation of the famous christmas carol".

While the whole lot are actually quite good, especially when viewed as a set... these four are my personal favourites.

Gavin Bambrick went a bit tattooed and tender for "6 Geese a Laying"... Greg Alexander found a sexy yet slightly sad swan for "7 Swans a Swimming"... Pantelis Photography put a sporting spin on "10 Lords a Leaping"... Adam Bouska (who's already featured in one of my earlier Random Hotness posts) did a slightly left of center interpretation for "11 Pipers Piping"...

Merry Hotness!

on the sixth day...on the seventh day...
on the tenth day...on the eleventh day...

Current Mood:

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