
photo friday: zoominutia

I realised the other day that at the rate that I'm adding to my Photo Friday collection, if I only post one per Friday then I'll never get through them all... so I figured there was nothing stopping me from doing some bulk posts...

Tada... three images for the price of one...

These are all from my recent Zoo Trip, although that might not be completely obvious, since only the middle shot is actually from inside the zoo...

The other two are from the tail end of Linear Park... well, the tail end where it hits the city anyway... and where I "got off" when I did the first major walk.

rainbow lorikeet 2006This shot is a Rainbow Lorikeet, one of a pair who were fighting with a pair of Galahs over a nesting spot in an old gum tree... I had left Ma in the car and gone along the pathway to see if I could find the "Angel" statue which is the bottom shot... but it was further along than I thought, so I had to call her to get her to come find me, and while I was waiting I noticed the lorikeets and galahs and managed to snag this shot.

ganesha 2006This one is a Ganesha statue (obviously)... I LOVE Ganesha statues... well, the aesthetically pleasing ones anyway... and this was outside the old elephant house at the Zoo...

angel 2006And, as I already mentioned this is the "Angel" statue... I don't know what it's really called, there didn't seem to be any kind of plaque or anything, but, to me, it just looks like an angel... a heavily stylised angel, but an angel none-the-less...

Current Mood: just made a mix cd, so i'm a happy camper


Larry said...

I like the composition of the first photo and I like the ganesha statue too... doesn't it look a bit like he's vacuuming his leg though?


Tom said...

A one-winged angel?! Only in Adelaide :P

yani said...

Ain't nothing wrong with a one winged angel... in fact before Ma got her new Nativity set last year, the angel in the set we used to use only had one wing...