
continuing hair adventures

Ah, the joys of having to "train" a new hairdresser...

Had my haircut this morning with the lovely Christie, and although she's okay, I now remember why I switched from her to Tink in the first place...

It's not that she cuts hair badly, my hair isn't too bad actually, a little more bootcamp than I was after (but the good side will be it will last me a longer while before it gets out of hand again), but overall pretty good... it just doesn't have that "snap" that I've had in the past with my other girlies... I really can't explain it. On top of that, while she's a lovely girl, I dunno, she and I just don't click... I'm sure it wouldn't have been obvious to anyone else who was there at the time, but yeah... maybe it's just that she was "new" when I had her last time, and before I had a chance to get used to her I switched over to Tink for whatever reason... and now she's new again... so it's that uncomfortable period where you're getting used to a new hairdresser... I dunno...

On the good side, I got in about a quarter of an hour earlier than my 10am appointment, and only went for the cut (I decided after making the appointment that risking a cut and a colour with a new hairdresser might be pushing my luck all on the same day... plus it's cheaper just to do the cut)... so I was actually all done by just after 10:30am.

Fortunately we could chat all about the Big Brother Finale as well as Johnny Depp and movies in general (since tonight is Movie Night)... so the conversation side took care of itself... nothing worse than either having a really uncomfortable chat with your hairdresser (except, maybe, getting one who wants to give you a monologue instead of a conversation)...

But luckily it looks like Tink will be coming back, but not until September or October... which is also good, since if she hadn't been coming back I was going to think about finding another salon like I mentioned on Monday...

After my haircut, I wandered down to Borders to torment myself looking at pretty book things... then went to Haighs for some dark peppermint pastilles... and like always, they offered me a free sample taste test... Berry Balls... yeah, I know, I thought that too... they weren't too bad, not stellar though... but as I'm walking back up the arcade, munching away on my freebies, who should be coming the other way but one of the instructors from my old gym... and, of course, I recognise him, and he recognises me and smiles and winks at me... and I'm chowing down on free chocolate at the time... how embarrassing...

Current Mood: new hair happy


Larry said...

I want berry balls too!!! Send me some!!!

S said...

Everyone goes through the same thing with breaking in a new stylist.

Let me say that I had more bad haircuts in one year than anyone should.