The photo is actually from Saturday afternoon, once my fridge was all chockers with post-shopping goodness and nothing-has-been-eaten-yet fullness...
Thar be meat in tham thar trays! While I know the middle one is a big chunk of mince (because I'm having it for dinner tonight, turned into chili con carne), I couldn't tell you what the other two are without going to look... or what's on top of them (I think one of the things is pita pockets, and there's probably some frozen chicken stock in there too). Actually, this is the spot that is supposed to be for the ice cube tray with the little drawer underneath so you can catch the prepared cubes for later use, but my freezer is usually too full to give up valuable real estate to an empty space.
- Honestly, I'm not completely sure what the hell is in this pile... I know there's leftover pasta sauce (and ravioli) from Friday night kinda in the middle there and the box on the far right has frozen fish in it, but other than that it's all a mystery (I'm betting on there being more chicken stock though, my freezer is lousy with chicken stock).
- Sara Lee Rocky Road Overload Icecream (mmmmmmm), demolished while watching Cars on Saturday night... and behind it somewhere (currently hidden) is the blue coldpack I bought when I blew out my knee.
- All those narrow looking things standing up behind the bread rolls are various left overs (curries, pasta sauces, stews, casseroles... things that are gloopy in other words), popped into Glad ziplock bags (I tell you what, I couldn't live without those little baggies now), frozen flat and then stacked thusly.
- Once something is frozen laying down flat, you can stand it however you like... just like this gravy beef (the perfect meat for the aforementioned curries, stews and casseroles)... and there are more Glad bags filled with leftovers stacked up behind that too.
- Frozen chicken breast, slightly frostbitten frozen chicken breast (really need to use that one), frozen chicken breast, half a frozen chicken breast, frozen chicken breast (have I mentioned that I eat a lot of chicken?) and a spare margarine.
- The seldom used "Chiller" section of my fridge complete with a take-home pack of Beyond India Lamb Rogan Josh... that will probably be dinner on Thursday with a bowl of steamed green beans on the side.
- Rolls of film and printer cartridges should live in the fridge, don'tcha know... and there was a can of Black V in there that I got free in town on Saturday... demolished on Saturday evening with pizza.
- King Island Dairy Chocolate Crème Dessert... Yummy! First of all, it's King Island Dairy, hello (expensive but tasty)... but damn this stuff is good (and just crying out to be licked off somebody's nipples or something)... and even better when eaten with strawberries. Also on that shelf there's cheese (the stuff I bought from the Market the week before last), a couple of different brands of jam and a jar of Beerenberg crushed garlic.
- You want sauces? I've got sauces from here til doomsday... I've got sweet chilli sauce, I've got two types of barbecue sauce (Heinz BBQ with Honey & Black Pepper and Beerenberg Coopers Ale BBQ), I've got regular tomato sauce (which kinda gets turned into my own slightly more exotic blend, because I add some sweet chilli and some BBQ sauce to it as I go), I've got sweet chilli and sesame sauce for pouring over veggies (not really THAT impressed with that one though), I've got oyster sauce, fish sauce and soy sauce for those Asian cuisine moments... and there's some American mustard and Heinz Salad Cream in there somewhere too.
- My collection of plain yoghurt, for use in Smashed Broccoli... I keep forgetting how many tubs of it I have, and end up buying extra ones and thus having way too much. And just behind it is the really nice Moo Yoghurt, Rhubarb and Raspberry flavour (although their Passionfruit flavour is nice too).
- The tart-tastic Nippy's Tangy Lemon Drink (one of my three or four favourite beverages ever)... I can go through two litres of that in just a couple of days... I think it lasted maybe half an hour after the photo was taken, but in my defence there was only a little bit left.
- Water bottles... there are always some of these in the fridge... come rain, hail or shine... but I really should be using them more often (although I do tend to use the one on my desk at work a lot, so it's not all bad).
- All my veggies, safe and secure in their little crisper (emphasis on the word little... it's only about half the depth of the fridge, and has a tendancy to fall out at just the wrong moment)... pressed up on display against the plastic are way too many Royal Gala Apples (my current fruit of choice), a head of broccoli (no prizes for guessing what that was for) and the big bag at the bottom that's gone all condensed for some reason, that's full of the aforementioned green beans... I LOVE green beans!
- And last, but by no means least, Sunday's ration of Farmers Union Iced Coffee, and next to it a 600ml carton of the Strong variety that got demolished with dinner last night.
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