Had coffee with Marc this afternoon, and it ended up being slightly more complicated than on previous occasions... not because of any weirdness between us, but because he wanted to go into the city, and he just wanted to "wander". And I kinda realised something when we got into town... I don't wander. I really don't... if I go into town I have an aim, or at least a loose plan, at the very least I have a vague destination... I don't just "wander".
So that was a little bit annoying... but we did pick up some random destinations as we went, which meant I didn't have to murder him or anything...
I also got the answers to my queries from the weekend... fairly honest answers I think too, so that's always a bonus.
But other than that it was a bit dull really. I did get to drag him into a couple of stores that I wouldn't normally have visited, including a comic book store where I picked up the most recent Elfquest graphic novel... I probably paid too much for it and I don't want to look up how much it would be through, say Amazon, because I'm sure I'll wanna hit myself in the head... and if I'm being honest I think the whole story "jumped the shark" a little while back... but it's nice to have the graphic novel anyway.
I know he enjoys spending time with me... but if I'm being totally honest, I can't really say that I return the feeling... granted that's probably because I'd much rather shag him...
Oh well... such is life...
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