
unconscious mutterings 295

I'm having something of a mood... and I don't really know why. I think it's because work is so mind numbingly boring at present and I really don't have anything much to do... but you would think that news about more work back with my favourite crew would have perked me right up... but for some reason it didn't... and we're talking maybe a whole year. I don't quite know what my childhood trauma is right now...

So I don't know what that will mean for today's Unconscious Mutterings... but why should today be any different...
  1. Heist :: Bank
  2. Hack :: The Planet
  3. Dane :: Great
  4. Stings :: Bee
  5. Monkey :: Ninja
  6. Junkie :: Smack
  7. Pumped :: Up
  8. Brass :: Band
  9. Fight! :: Club!
  10. Vouch :: Er (you know, voucher)

Current Mood:

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