And then it seemed like the Universe was going to throw things in my way... first an inexplicable desire to tidy the house when I first got up... then a knock on the door at 8am from some council workers who wanted to saw bits off the trees out the front and were wondering if any of the cars out there were mine (sadly no... and when one of them asked if any of my neighbours were "crazy", I had to stop and think about it)... then my interwebski connection dropped out and when I reconnected it wouldn't do anything (turned out there was a dialog box sitting in the background that was screwing things up)... and of course, now I'm telling the story about why I wasn't telling the story and that's chewing up time too...
So it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out, what with the post title and the graphic, that I went to the sauna last night... and I did something I probably should have done a while back (at least from a financial perspective), and bought a 12 month membership... which is kind of good and bad... good because it was only about $6 more than a normal visit and it means I get cheaper entry, plus every tenth visit is free... bad because to make full use out of it I would have to go once a month (and therefore getting a free visit), and I might be tempted to go more often because it's cheaper and whatnot... but really, what the hell, it's done now...
I don't really have a big long story to tell, but there were a few little points I wanted to mention (hence the post title)...
- Wearing leather pants at the sauna is one thing (it's a little weird, but I can forgive that, provided you don't go anywhere near the wet areas)... but wearing leather pants and carrying a backpack around all night filled with god knows what... not sexy, but creepy...
- Having a somewhat thick appendage and trying to ram it in with little or no lube... not sexy, but annoying (as I've always said, you can never have too much lube)...
- Giving out all the signals but then not being able to produce a boner, or only half of one when push comes to shove (as it were)... not sexy, but pointless...
- Being stuck in the late 70's or early 80's with big, bad, scary Elvis meets a football helmet hair and having a towel that's folded in half so it's basically a micro mini... not sexy, but tragic...
- Having a conversation about The Wizard of Oz and watching it while both dressed in towels... not sexy, but kind of surreal and interesting...
- Going underwater in the spa for a reasonable period of time to give some oral lovin'... impressive, but maybe not wise (actually it was doubly impressive because the guy was quite cute... but unfortunately because I was only there at the time, not a participant in the threeway)...
- Dudes who look like they would be arrogant and somewhat bitchy turning out to be in one case a couple of clowns short of a circus (actually there was a LOT of that going on last night) or else total and complete sluts (which, you know, is less of a bad thing)...
- Or, on the flip side, dudes who look very, very familiar and who you just can't place... but is just the regular kind of annoying...
But supposedly we're having coffee or something on Wednesday... and I kinda want to quiz him on a couple of things... I remember very clearly back when we had the playdate here that there were certain things he just didn't do... and yet, I "caught" him (you can't really be said to have caught somebody doing something when they're in a room with a door that does actually lock, but they haven't locked said door or even closed it properly) doing that very thing. So maybe he's relaxed that particular taboo... of course, my default mental state just says that he was lying to me, but then my default mental state is a highly suspicious and slightly paranoid fellow.
Part of what annoys me, not about Marc, just about the whole sauna concept in general, is that there really isn't what you would call "an okay night"... you either have an amazing time, or it's fucking awful... no middle ground... or at least, not for me...
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