
blossom template

blossom templateI'll forgo the usual "Spring has sprung" quote... but suffice to say, it's time for the Spring template...

It's probably a lil bit fem... in that it's all pink and flowery (although perhaps no more so than the Geisha template of days past)...

But it's officially Spring now (for two whole days now), and one of my favourite things about Spring is seeing the pretty pink blossoms everywhere... that and the cygnets I think... and sunshine... and an earlier sunrise...

These shots are actually from last year's Blossom Excursion...

Now, if only the weather would hurry up and become slightly more Spring-like and less wintery...

So, yes... revel in the pinkness....

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Too late. If you mention the quote you're trying to forgo you haven't really forgone it. You'll have to forgo it properly next year! :P

Nice template by the way! :)

Jenny said...

I like the new template.. it's nice. I am envious of the spring that you are just getting.. *sigh - it's nearly fall here and oh so chilly!