
photo friday: perfect colours, imperfect day

perfect coloursI'm having a day of variable quality...

Actually I think maybe the last couple of days have been of variable quality...

I've been "Blogger Lite" the last couple of days, with pretty much no inspiration whatsoever and even trying to make a simple decision, like yesterday's Random Hotness post, took me way too long.

However, today you get lots and lots of rambling...

But getting back to the variable quality thing... Other than the ongoing pain in my shin (I'm sure it's my big black workboots, they're slightly too big, and I swear that when I wasn't working the pain went away), my current list of woes is as follows...

Yesterday morning I picked up my bowl of hot mushy Weetbix (yummy) and somehow managed to spill the thermonuclear contents all over my left hand (and the counter and the rocking chair and the floor and my Ikea satchel)... fortunately I managed to keep most of it in the bowl and didn't have to start over, but I only managed to do a halfassed job of getting it all off the floor and whatnot... and Weetbix does stick like the proverbial to a blanket so the cleaning job is going to have to be revisited at some point over the weekend. My hand, however, was fine... it didn't go red, it didn't blister, wasn't even painful, nothing...

This morning I managed to avoid third degree breakfast burns, didn't fall over and get concussion while putting on my pants and managed not to get drenched with rain on my way into work. But once I got here I discovered that the pad at the base of my thumb hurt like crazy when I flattened out my palm, and as the day has worn on I've found that I don't have much strength in it (although it's mostly okay right at the moment, probably because I'm not trying to do much with it)... much, much less fun. All I can think is that I slept on it funny last night, but you would have thought that would have kicked in right after I got up, not once I got to work. And don't even have any memory of banging it or trapping it in anything... and I wasn't using it to hold onto the straps on the bus this morning. Weirdness...

I don't think the two are related, but I know that Sheba would probably tell me there's some greater significance to injuring my left hand twice in two days...

And as is always the case, you don't realise how much you use a particular body part until that body part stops working the way it's supposed to, and then everything becomes a chore...

Then we had a fire drill at work. A fairly pointless fire drill, since they warned us there was going to be a fire drill fifteen minutes beforehand. At which point about half the building probably went downstairs early... and a bunch of us stood around the office for fifteen minutes waiting for the alarms, then the guy "in charge" (a little odd but eye candy nevertheless) let us go down the stairs before he was supposed to, which was actually a good thing, because we didn't need to fight our way through the rest of the odd numbered floors on the way down.

When we were finally let back into the building, I followed the lead of some of the people who I work with/near... and decided to come back up the stairs rather than waiting with the entire population of the building for one of the elevators.

I can go downstairs all day, no problem at all... but up is a whole different animal. I was fairly pleased with myself though... I was too stubborn to give up and didn't pike out at around the 8th floor with two of the girls. But whoo-doggy was I overheated and knackered (albeit briefly) when we got back up there.

I will, I'm sure, regret the decision tomorrow morning...

On the woohoo side for today is the fact that I've had dinner with Rockchick to look forward to all day (all week if it comes to that)... although I'm not sure if it's just going to be her and me (since she lives with her two sisters), but I'm taking a range of Rockchick Appropriate DVDs over, as requested.

Also a big check in the "gives me a happy" column (not that kind of happy you filthy minded gits) was a trip to the Central Market at lunchtime (originally I was going to do it yesterday, but the Olympic "parade" was between me and the markets, so I decided against it)... but there is almost nothing that I like more than being set loose in the Central Market with cash to burn and only a vague shopping agenda.

As I think I've said on previous occasions, I usually love to play the "lets see how long this $20/$40/$50 will last me and how much I can get for it" and going to about 20 different stalls, but today I was on a short timeline and had some specific places to hit.

lions and veggies and polos, oh myFirst stop was Goodies and Grains for more "veggie chips" (there will be a photo) and couverture chocolate (yum and double yum)... then Nana's for some lunch since I never got there on Saturday (and I picked up a couple of Custard Polos to take with me to Rockchick's house tonight, and I grabbed some Rocky Road Icecream too), then Say Cheese (Tom, you would love that place I think... actually you would probably love the whole Central Market) for their yummy yet generic cheddar (bless you Lownee for introducing me to it) and The Metwurst Shop... all of which are amongst my usual stops in the market.

Then I stopped off to browse amongst the Buddha/Geisha/dragon/faerie related tchotchka and found a groovy Chinese lion/dragon/dog thingy, a good size too, for not very much money. Score!

I have no idea where I'm going to put it... but it does kind of scream "door guardian" so I might have to demote my dragon "door bitch" for a while.

Also on the yay side of the fence was the fact that Ma was doing training nearby today, so she picked me up after work... definite bonus given my lunchtime purchases, even if I did have to stand around downstairs for a bit like a dufus.

Now we come to the bit I'm not completely sure about... I can't decide if this was a woe or a whoo...

On the way back to the office I stopped off to grab an Iced Coffee (to help keep me awake for the afternoon) and was standing in the poxy snackbar place near work waiting to be served (and dealing with the distinct lack of "kung fu grip" in my left hand) when Asher walked in.

You know those guys that you've been crushing on for the last billion years, and you know it will pretty much never get off the ground, but there's been vague flirting at points, and the possibility has been dangled just enough that you keep crushing, and if he did ever make a serious offer, you'd move heaven and earth to get your hands on him.

Asher is that guy for me.

I actually knew him (in a "not really friends, but friendly when you see each other out, and he's been to your house at least once with a bunch of other people" kind of way) about half a billion years ago (in truth we're talking about more than a decade) during the massively confusing and periodically slutty adventures after I moved out of home and was living with Ludo. And I had a vague crush then (even though he had a mysterious "boyfriend" that I ever saw), but then I disappeared out of the scene for a good long while, and that was mostly that...

Then, because Adelaide is about the size of a bank queue, I found a couple of Asher's profiles online... cue the vague cyber crush of the "I love looking at your (frequently naked) pictures but there's no way I'm going to message you and get shot down" variety.

And we won't discuss the time that I had "the sex" with his (now former) flatmate early one Sunday morning while he was asleep in another room... it's the kinda thing that could only really happen in Adelaide...

Anyway, before I make a long story even longer, at some point either I messaged Asher or Asher messaged me... anyway, there were messages and additional photos, then flirtations and discussions and revelations (he's supposedly bi now and has a "girlfriend", but I don't know how much I believe that one) and whatnot. I still have no idea if he remembers me or realises that "Present Day Yani" is the same person as "The Artist Formerly Known as Yani"... maybe he does and he's just messing with my head, maybe he honestly hasn't connected the two, I dunno.

But today was the first time I've seen Asher in the real live actual (yet sadly, clothed) flesh in nearly a decade. And damn he still looks pretty dammn good.

Yes he's in urgent need of some sort of hairstyle (or just product, really)... and he's all pale and brunette now right now, whereas I remember him as tan and blonde (even given all the photos I've seen in the intervening years), but he's still a sexy piece of manflesh...

So I'm not really sure how I feel about having seen him again... I just really, really need to resist the temptation to message him and say "I saw you at _____ on Friday, you look good"... Creepy Stalker Guy is SO last season...

But fortunately, I have more than enough to keep me occupied before I head off to Rockchick's, so I won't be tempted for at least 24 hours...

Current Mood:

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