Or, you know, something like that...
It's been one of those days today... the kind of day where you just want to beat everybody to death with a stapler or a keyboard and scream "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP"...
I actually resorted to sticking my fingers in my ears at more than a few points so that I could concentrate on the text I was trying to rewrite (translation: divide the longest, most complicated and badly written sentences known to man into something resembling actual human speech)... on the one hand, one of the groups I'm working with were getting together just over my shoulder to workshop not only things of a work-like nature, but also having pointless boring conversations about crap teevee shows, organising Christmas parties, group social outings and god only knows what else... and on the other one of the other women who's doing some help desk/training stuff with people over the phone, and she has to use the computer behind me... and she just has one of those voices... and is obviously dealing with some of the dumbest people known to man... so that helps too...
It wasn't all bad... I got a fair amount of actual work done (just for something different), that is once I stopped falling asleep at my desk this morning... I swear it's a whole not enough sleep thing, because I'm seriously having trouble keeping my eyes open in the mornings.
I also kind of outed myself to the reception girly at work... well, she sent me one of those pointless emails that seem to breed in the email systems of large companies... one including pics of half naked hot guys with a subject line of "one for the girls"... and she'd forwarded it to me and two other guys (not in the building), so, rather amused, I emailed her back with something along the lines of "so, you worked that one out about me hey?"...
Not that I care one way or the other... I'm well past the point where I care about the difference between people who guess (whether they ask or not) and people who are essentially clueless. Because the clueless ones will stay clueless, the ones who guess have either pretended to be clueless or else it hasn't been an issue, so what do I care if one more person actively knows.
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I've given up trying to monitor it at work. At first I was trying to keep it all hush-hush from my homophobic workmates, now however I figure they're grown ups, they can deal with it, but I don't ask them about their personal lives (because I just don't care) and they don't ask about mine and everyone's happy, but no one knows for sure... It's great fun!
I bet you have some better pictures to send around to her next time! ;)
My philosophy exactly Kez (for the most part anyway, minus the homophobic workmates thing)...
And I don't tend to indulge in the sending of pointless emails at work Tom... been there, done that, and most of it is crap anyway... I'm the boring guy who never forwards anything on...
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