- How do you like your eggs?
Ummmm... you know, I don't actually have a preference... as with a lot of things in my life, not to mention in this meme, it all depends on my mood. - How do you take your coffee/tea?
I almost never have tea or coffee at home... actually I very seldom have tea at all... but when I do, I like sweet white Irish Breakfast or Earl Grey tea... as for coffee, give me a latte, no sugar every time (but if I'm at your place and you're making me any kind of coffee there, I'll just take it "white and two darl"). - Favourite breakfast food:
I guess you could say that Weetbix with honey and warm milk (currently anyway) is my favourite, since it's what I have every weekday morning... but, while I know it's skanky, I do have a weakness for McDonalds' Sausage and Egg McMuffins. - Peanut butter:
Peanut butter is the tool of Satan and should be struck off the face of the planet... urgh, yucky-ta. - What kind of dressing on your salad?
Balsamic vinegar, a little olive oil, a bus-load of pepper. - Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi Max or Vanilla Coke... actually, do they still make Vanilla Coke? I haven't had either in a while. - You’re feeling lazy. What do you make?
Depends on the meal... if I'm feeling REALLY lazy I'll just get something I've made previously out of the freezer and throw it in the microwave (after thawing of course)... sometimes if I'm low on actual ingredients and inspiration I'll just cook a bowl of pasta and put cheese on it (and then usually wish I hadn't), or cook some rice and tip a tin of tuna and some soy sauce on it... you'd be amazed what I can invent when I really have to... - You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
Supreme, thin and crispy crust... or whatever the local equivalent is from one of the chichi places down the street that involves the maximum amount of toppings and a thin crust. - You feel like cooking. What do you make?
Some grand casserole/stew/pasta sauce involving every variety of vegetable in my crisper and slow cooking. - Do any foods bring back good memories?
Pineapple Rice Surprise. - Do any foods bring back bad memories?
Peanut Butter (see 4). - Do any foods remind you of someone?
Beef Randang, Tiny Teddies and chocolate coated coffee beans stuffed into strawberries remind me of Sheba... vegetarian pasta with pepperoni reminds me of Raury... Tortellini ala Pana reminds me of Lownee... Butterscotch milkshakes and Jolt cola reminds me of J... so, yeah, foods remind me of people... - Is there a food you refuse to eat?
Anything that used to be an animal's internal organ... and for the most part anything with a head still attached. - What was your favourite food as a child?
Yorkshire Puddings and Pineapple Rice Surprise (see 10). - Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like?
Nothing springs to mind... there's mustard, but that's not really a food... and I guess you could say things involving coconut milk. - Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate?
Nope... there's stuff that I liked as a child by am now mostly ambivalent about, like apricots... we had a tree in the back yard when I was a kid and I pretty much stuffed myself stupid every Summer... and then a lot of it got bottled. Now I don't really care about apricots one way or the other. - Favourite fruit and vegetable:
Fruit: Green seedless (sultana) grapes... I could (and have) eaten them until they pretty much came out of my ears...
Vegetable: I don't know that I have one particular favourite... I like a lot of the veg... although at the moment I'm loving the broccoli. - Favourite junk food:
Probably pizza... although a well crafted hamburger with the lot (the egg is optional) is pretty high on the list. - Favourite between meal snack:
Whatever isn't nailed down... no, just kidding (mostly)... in Summer it would be sultana grapes (see 17)... I also have a weakness for Dark Chocolate Digestive biscuits at present. When I'm in a savoury mood then some form of cracker. - Do you have any weird food habits?
The only one that I can think of is that I love to eat the little pieces or wedges of lemon you get in drinks or with meal... sourtastic. But that goes along with my general love of all things lemon flavoured and somewhere between tart and sour. - You're on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?
Fruit probably, and as much grilled chicken as I can have. - You're off your diet. Now what would you like?
Probably a big chicken parmigiana, hold the salad... although knowing me I'd just inhale a big tub of tasty chocolate icecream. - How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?
Medium-ish... I don't like to sweat while I'm eating, but I don't mind something a little spicy every now and again, so long as it doesn't make my mouth keep on burning afterwards. - Can I get you a drink?
Yeah... you can make me a coffee... or maybe just some water. Oh, you meant booze? M'eh... not really bothered, but if you're buying I'll have a Coopers Pale Ale. - Red or White Wine?
I never developed a taste for wine, it pretty much all tastes the same to me... and I don't much like how it tastes. - Favourite dessert?
As with all my favourites it depends on what I'm in the mood for... but little apple pastries and lemon flavoured whatnots figure highly... and a good quality chocolate icecream never goes astray. - The perfect nightcap?
Are we talking booze again? Because I thought we already established, I really don't do the booze... and if we're talking food, well, I generally stop eating at 8:30... so you can tell I'm a fun date, right?
Current Mood:

Ha ha, I do the pasta with cheese or rice with tuna and soy sauce too! it's certainly not the worst way to rustle up a lazy feed!
A well crafted hamburger is great and one of my fave meals. There's a cafe near my work in The Rocks that do a great, simple $5 hamburger. Now that's a good value meal for The Rocks.
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