Okay, the undirected part isn't completely true, we had a little bit of direction, but not a lot...
After the regular Supermarket Adventures™ (and is it just me, or is everything really expensive at the moment... I mean Iced Coffee has gone up to $3 a carton... rude!) we went into town... again...
While I may be gay and understand the need for accessories, I just don't get Ma and handbags... she finds one she likes, she uses it for what seems like not very long, and then suddenly it's too heavy or there's something wrong with it or whatever and then we're back to looking everywhere for a new one. And she's been carting around these frankly unattractive bags the last couple of weeks, so I pointed her in the direction of some bags on sale in Harris Scarfes, and actually got her to make a decision (which is a feat in itself), so we'll have to see how long this one lasts... it's nice though, kind of like a small satchel. And I had a Fellow Mo moment at the register... he was having trouble with the security tag, which was on a plastic look around the handle and I said something about just cutting it and then we had a bit of a girly bonding moment, complete with additional Friends of Dorothy Additional Eye Contact as we left... amusing...
I also had half an idea about getting a new pair of walking shoes, I figured I might as well put my tax cheque to some good use (since we don't seem to be planning any grand adventures like last time)... the ones I got at Christmas are pretty much a waste of time (that's the last time I buy New Balance), they've only lasted for eight months, whereas the Reeboks lasted for a year and a half...
We headed over to Joggers World again... but not only did they have a glut of New Balance (everywhere we went did actually), I was pretty underwhelmed by my choices otherwise... men's sneakers seem like they're being designed by hyperactive 10 year olds with a full box of crayons... they're just generally fugly. I was also somewhat underwhelmed by the service at Joggers World... I mean the guy was helpful and all, but not as helpful as the one from last time (although more attractive... I kept getting distracted by his arms, all buff and biteable in what I assume were skintight white Skins).
Then after we were finished with everything else we called into The Athletes Foot (and you know, it's only when you go to write it down that you realise how wrong that is for a shoe store name)... and again I was underwhelmed by the choices in shoe... but then I got pounced on my big lanky B-man who was very useful and attentive... he measured my foot, let me use the special foot analysis machine thingy (my feet roll in, and I put a fair amount of my weight over the front part of my foot... but I knew that already), then wandered off to get some styles he thought would be good for my feet. He didn't help me on with the shoes or do up the laces for me or anything... I've had that done before (not for a long while though) and it's always a little creepy.
Eventually I settled on a pair of Asics... they're not the prettiest shoes ever (again, that whole hyperactive 10 year old problem, although mine are in silver, black, white and blue... not sure if that is better or worse than the yellow version), but they felt nice and bouncy when I put them on (because of all the "gel" and whatever else they stick in these shoes nowadays). So, again it was substance over style in a walking shoe...
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