Although it could just as easily have been entitled "Money Has Been Running Through My Fingers Like Water This Weekend, What The Hell Is Up With That?", but that's a little long...
It all started first thing this morning... well, truthfully it started when I saw a commercial for Designer Direct (the place we never got to yesterday)... now I hate DD with a passion... I hate the commercials, I hate the gormless woman who owns it (and who appears in the commercials), I loathe the place... but the quick bits and pieces they flashed up on screen during the commercial didn't look too bad, so I figured I might as well go and take a look since they were supposedly having some extra sale thingy (I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention to the commercial that much)...
But because I almost never go shopping on a Sunday morning, I forget what time the stores open (that would be 11am), and the pointless DD website didn't even bother to have their opening times, but I figured it might be one of those places that's allowed to open early... so I toddled on down at around 9:30-9:45... and, of course, it was still closed. Now, it's only about five minutes away from my place, so I could have come home again, but I was already out, so I figured I might as well STAY out...
Fortunately I'd grabbed my camera when I left the house (and I'm still not sure why, I didn't really have any kind of plan)... but there's a spot not far from DD where I'd seen some street art on previous occasions, so I headed over in the general direction, stopped the car and ended up having an impromptu little self-photoshoot (the downside of which was that, like last week, I didn't put any product in my hair this morning, which is something I used to do every Sunday, but haven't done for ages... until last week). Which usually ends badly, because I hate having my photo taken, and on top of that I hate taking my own photos, but I needed some shots of me actually out in the world rather than just inside my apartment (and at the risk of overshare, with more clothes on than usual *grin*). So I fooled around there for a while, then got back in the car and drove back to DD, parked and went across the road to the Torrens and kept taking shots. I'm still sorting through them, so I don't know what percentage will actually be useable, but there are probably a couple of half decent ones.
I really need to drag Stu out and do a shoot with him... part of my problem is that I'm really, really light sensitive, so as soon as I take my sunglasses off I tend to have squinty eye look which isn't attractive... and if that wasn't bad enough I keep forgetting to have an expression because I'm busy making sure I'm in the shot, so I end up looking like Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel... suffice to say, all the Cletus shots got deleted from the camera before I even made it home.
After about an hour of me futzing around the store finally opened...
Big! Waste! Of! Time!
I still can't find anything I like in the colours I want... there was one set that was halfway decent, it was supposedly "Jade" (which should have been green, but was really turquoise blue) and had Asian characters all over it, but it was satiny material, even the pillowcases and I didn't really like that (I couldn't imagine sleeping on it all night... or not without waking up with an Asian character embossed into the side of my face)... not to mention they didn't have it in the right size. And I must have wandered around the store about 20 times, and not once did any of the pointless staff ask me if I needed help... other people, sure... me, no.
In the end I just walked out and went to get a sausage sizzle instead... I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you just can't resist a sausage sizzle... and for possibly the first time ever, the guy asked me if I wanted cheese on it... which was interesting, and pretty tasty, for all that it was "plastic" cheese (you know, the individually sliced stuff). He was also overly chatty (which was interesting, because when I saw him sitting in his car before the store opened he was obviously having a massive spit at whoever was on the other end) and asked me what jobs I could think of that started with an E (I dunno... I'm guessing it was part of his whole spiel, weird though)... fortunately after a couple of regular guesses (electrician, engineer) I think I threw him off with "entomologist" (thank you CSI). I will say that the sausage was very, very tasty... a much better standard than the kind you usually get...
I returned home, still quiltcoverless, got the newspaper, did my usual routine (which again included food), then settled down for a bit to resize and fudge with some of the photos I took...
But that didn't last a whole lot of time, I wanted to go into the city and maybe look at dress pants and/or jeans in Red Circle... and get some new workboots from the Army Disposals store... blah, blah, blah... so off I went again...
I managed to snag a carpark in the free multistory, even if I had to sit at the boom gate for what felt like forever because the dumb bitch who was leaving (and would have freed up a space for me to take) forgot to put her ticket in the payment machine or something and had to get out and go do whatever, and it seemed to take her a VERY long time to sort it all out. But eventually I managed to park...
Now normally dealing with pictures of myself wouldn't put me in a particularly "curiously mentally aroused state"... but I don't know whether it was that or the sunshine or the fact that I woke my libido up last weekend or the general hotness and skin showing hotnesses that were wandering about or that I could be "on a promise" for later tonight (although probably not, I messaged him about three hours ago and he hasn't gotten back to me... which is fair enough, I forgot to message him on Thursday)... but I definitely had a spring in my step as I hit the Rundle Street Markets.
I'd decided I needed a cupcake so headed for the cupcake stall (American Candy Stand) and was served by this friendly little teenaged Hobbit boy... and ended up with a cupcake entitled "Elvis Has Left The Building" (which is possibly the coolest name for a cupcake EVER)... I can't remember what the flavour was, but I think it had banana in the cupcake and there was a cherry on the icing (I just looked it up... turns out it was banana cake with chocolate ganache, peanut butter frosting drizzled with chocolate sauce and a cherry on top). It was very, very tasty...
There's never really very much of interest at the Market... a lot of it's jewellery, so if I'm not with Ma, there's not much point... but I did stop off at one of the stalls where the guy was doing leatherwork... and he had a bunch of belts and bracelets and stuff on the table, including three or four bondage cuffs. You always know they're bondage cuffs when they have the D ring on the back for clipping into restraints (plus he had a couple that already had little leashes on them). Given the photo at the top of the post, it should come as no surprise that I ended up buying one... I mean they were only $15, and initally I thought they were too big for my wrists (I have surprisingly dainty little wrists), but the guy helped strap me into it, and although the buckle side is way too big and chunky (not to mention the metal loop the end of the buckle bit threads into, which is about three times bigger than it needs to be), I like how the whole thing looks on my wrist.
I think that actually added to my whole "mentally aroused" thing... I'm not sure why, maybe it was because it's so obviously a bondage cuff, I dunno... but it wasn't helped by the fact that there was a lot of tasty manmeat in the city... I stalked more than one guy down the length of the Mall...
So after a Bubble Tea and some more stalking I descended into Red Circle to look at clothes... and even then I couldn't escape the stalking... there was this late-teenaged boy (actually he could have been as old as 21-22, but he looked just old enough to be legal) shopping the underwear section with his mother... and having massive amounts of indecision about which particular Bonds undies he wanted to buy. How very much did I want to take him by the hand and go "these will look awesome on you... and this colour will be hot... and you can totally get away with this style"... but I behaved myself. And as a peverse kind of reward, as I was going back up the escalator, who should be right in front of me carrying his new underwear purchases... yep... and he and his mother made pretty good choices without me... *grin*.
I wasn't so lucky... all the jeans seem to be the dark wash kind at the moment, and that's not right coming into summer... and I saw a great Megatron teeshirt, but it was that crappy thin cotton material that didn't look great on me... which was kind of a shame, but I'll survive.
Oh, and the Disposal store was closed, so I couldn't even get new boots... I'll have to haul ass down there at lunch one day this week...
It was just one of those days though... where you're supposed to be stalking cute boys in the Mall, or buying bondage gear, or going off to get a new tattoo or something (it did occur to me... possibly because there was quite a bit of inky manflesh on display)... so I guess two out of three ain't bad.
And I also found a cheap copy of To Wong Foo on DVD, so it wasn't a completely wasted trip...
Current Mood:

Err, these photo's you mentioned where you don't have much clothing on... tell me more!
That's one hell of a weekend, sounds good though, reasonably low stress, plus bondage gear. Works for me!
I'm guessing you're actually fond of having a sense of sight... so I'm going to ignore that comment about the photos... :P
And yeah, it was a damn good weekend...
Oh come on. I think you're being way too hard on yourself!
And as an interesting aside, yes I am rather fond of my sense of sight, I may not have it forever, so I'm trying to cram as much in before it goes... you could be one of those things ;o)
Yeah, because flirting with me was never asking for trouble...
Don't blame me if you get something unexpected and sight removing in your email... :P
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