A case in point is today's Photo Friday, snapped last Sunday at a little Russian (I'm guessing from the text) church in, I think, Woodville (that was part of my whole "side trip"). I just love this kind of icon... and I'm using that in the "official" meaning of icon (a representation of some sacred personage painted usually on a wood surface and venerated itself as sacred)... especially when it's a little unusual and done in metalwork like this.
I guess it's not too surprising given that one of my favourite paintings in the Art Gallery is Virgin and Child by William Adolphe Bouguereau.
But as for my week... TGIF... TFGIFF in fact...
There are times when I'm really, really, really, really, really glad that I'm a temp, and this week was definitely one of them. Sometimes you just love the fact that you can pick up stakes and walk away with no consequences...
I mean, it's not completely the fault of work... my week started off pretty damn shitty, and I've pretty much been avoiding even thinking about the whole situation as much as is humanly possible (and work was fairly helpful in that regard), but it has coloured a lot of my mood this week.
It's also never any fun when two control freaks, who are both "experts" in their given fields, come up against each other, especially when one has all the power (being the senior member of the team) and the other one has none of the power (that would be little old me).
And I think "do whatever you like, I don't mind/care" has to go down in history as one of the most passive aggressive and annoying phrases EVER... especially when the person who's saying it obviously DOES mind and DOES want things to be a certain way, or else she wouldn't have just spent the last half an hour going "no, this has to go here, and we need one of those there, and you need to add this really annoying and useless page/item/link/document/chart that nobody is ever going to read or care about or even look at over yonder"... *mutter*...
I did notice something interesting about myself though... which I've probably noticed before, but I noticed myself noticing it this time... so I took notice (or, you know, something). I will argue for my particular viewpoint or opinion or way of doing something until I'm blue in the face (or sometimes red), but there is also a certain point where I just think to myself "pfffft whatever", and then I pretty much throw in the majority of the towel and do it whatever dumbass, backwards, lame way they want.
I'm also really, really, really glad I was able to say "sorry, I'm not available after Friday, I have another assignment, and they've booked me in for a month... sorry!". Not that I have any idea whether it's actually going to BE a month, for all I know, I could have it all done in a couple of weeks, but I'm not going to tell them that!
Another of the things that has been bugging me this week is that, for the most part, I've had to chase them all up for things, which is fine (if annoying), but I'm not used to having to search the information out, I'm used to somebody saying "here's this, and that's there, and what else do you need". Granted, I'm also used to having just ONE person that I'm getting all the information from, not a committee. Which, in some ways, is why I was both Mr Twiddlythumbs earlier in the week, and I worked my ass of for all of yesterday afternoon (after the meeting of the control freaks) and most of this morning (I had a little faff about for part of this afternoon though)... and some random giggly fun with some of the girly-chops from the team in the next "cubicle station" (it's amazing how such small things can amuse such small minds come Friday afternoon).
Actually today was probably the best day of the week, and everybody seemed pleased with that I'd done when I left (which is always good)...
But now I'm going to go back to rejoicing in the fact that it's Friday evening...
Current Mood:

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