
hindley backstreets

copper benzobotjules punch monster
Big fuzzy thanks go to recent (and occasional) commenter, fellow Adeladian, Liz_knows who pointed me in the direction of a Benzobot I hadn't previously seen... I do owe Liz an apology though, I looked up the address she mentioned and thought it was somewhere else completely, and so had thought that I'd already photographed the area, but went out this afternoon anyway.

Turns out that the spot that I thought was the spot in question actually wasn't the spot in question at all... so I ended up taking a hike down Hindley Street to track down the real spot. That kinda led me in turn to exploring pretty much all of the smelly little side alleys (oh, the joys of the smell of urine in the Sunday afternoon sunshine... *throws up a little bit*) up and down Hindley Street.

Which seems to have been the right thing to do, I found a bunch of groovy stuff (including something which might turn into a new template design, but I'll have to thrash it out a bit first I think).

The Benzo work in question turned out to be this lovely "copperbot"... I have to say, I always like it when Benzo breaks out from the black/white/grey bots and goes crazy with the colours... and this touch of aqua is the perfect compliment to the coppery yellow colour.

I do also quite like it when Jules comes up with these little random creatures... and I've always been a fan of pink and grey...

But back to the actual excursion for a second...

It's kind of odd, for the most part, when I'm wandering around doing these Sidestreet posts and disappearing down little back alleys and whatever, I never feel like I could be in danger or that something bad could happen to me... except for today... I really dislike the length of Hindley Street between King William Street and Morphett Street, and for the most part, I avoid it... and while I was wandering around the general area I did pay extra attention to my surroundings and who was behind me and in front of me and whatnot.

After I'd wandered up and back I did wander off a bit, see if anything new had popped up in and around the previous spot I've found street art... nothing overly new or exciting, but a couple of bits and pieces... there was a couple of massive new pieces (new to me anyway), but they were locked away in an abandoned area behind a fairly impressive fence, and there wasn't really any obvious was of sneaking in... maybe next time...

On the upside, I haven't fallen sleep all day...

Current Mood:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you found it. The one on the door is exactly the one I was talking about. I only saw it myself after I had parked in that carpark behind. You see, when Liz_knows, Liz_knows!