My knee was perhaps a little more achy today (although it's not really that bad right now)... whether that was because I "overdid" it yesterday or whether I just had my knee brace on in slightly the wrong spot... or what, I dunno... and it was almost worse because I had the little basket trolley to lean on... go figure...
One of the downsides of working is that I never quite feel like I have enough time in the evenings... especially not enough time to cook something substantial... whether that's a curry or some proper pasta sauce or a stew or whatever... I mean, yeah, I probably could, but the last thing I really feel like doing when I get home from work is standing up at the kitchen counter and banging something out.
But if I'm going to be working until nearly August, I'm going to have to come up with some sort of compromise or find some sort of balance... I dunno...
Anyway, this seems slightly off topic, except for the fact that I was thinking that I didn't really buy that much stuff at the supermarket... and some of it is stuff that I'm now thinking "what the hell am I going to use that for?"...
After we were finished with shopping we wandered aimlessly around Red Circle... I didn't bother looking at jeans or clothes in general really... Ma did, but nothing that looked any good...
We ended up going to Arndale after we'd come back here and dropped everything off... partially because I just wanted to be out of the house again, and partially to take a second look at the DVDs I "passed on" yesterday. Turns out that Arndale doesn't have as much stuff as Marion... which, when I think about it, is probably pretty self evident... so there wasn't really anything to find...
I wasn't really in much of a decision making mood, whether it was because I made all my decisions yesterday and was all out, or whether I just couldn't be bothered today is anybody's guess, so we just kind of ended up at the Queen Street Deli for some lunch. While we were there I was kind of reminded of something that Sunshine said a little while ago (and which I can't find the actual post for) about a couple that he'd seen out to lunch or dinner somewhere to spent the whole time not talking to each other... and how he just thought that was weird. I was reminded of it because that was pretty much what happened with Ma and I while we were waiting for a shared plate of bruschetta (which turned out to have a mega amount of topping on it, possibly because the nice chef boy knew we were going to share it)... we just both sat there reading various bits of various newspapers (I found an article about Hugh Laurie, ie Dr House, in one of them, and Ma found something equally interesting in whatever it was she was looking at)...
Sure, we could probably have hashed out some vague plans about her birthday in a couple of weeks (except that we're probably going to end up going to see something at the movies, hopefully Gold Class, and maybe go somewhere Indian for dinner since I have a discount voucher thing for a place we've never been), or whatever, but we didn't... we just sat and enjoyed the comfortable silence that exists when you've pretty much said everything there is to said... maybe it looks "sad"... but it doesn't feel that way.
So yeah... we shopped, we saw, we ate... and now the weekend is nearly over...
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