I've been meaning to do another run at the Sidestreets project, but the weather has been kind of lousy of late... so when the forecast looked pretty good this week I penciled in a trip (but Tuesday I had to make dinner before the movies and yesterday was all about the movement of large objects that have never belonged to me), in my head anyway. But today looked pretty good... the clouds were all fluffy and photogenic (see right hand shot above as Exhibit 1) and it seemed like it was going to be sunny enough. So off I went.

There was a lot less street art action in that section of town (in fact the little green man with the persecution complex was about the best bit), but that's really not that surprising given that it's a slightly more "commercial" section of town. There are some houses here and there, but it seems much less residential than the first section. Or maybe it's just "newer".
Seriously though, I never realised there were so many new (and probably quite expensive) apartment complexes tucked into all these little sidestreets. Stylish, but they all seem somewhat "cookie cutter" to a degree... same same but different.
I did end up taking more shots of signage this time around, given the lack of street art or other things... signs with lots of wall around them for the most part... and unlike my usual trick of having angles all over the place, these shots turned out to be a lot straighter, possibly more like the shots from the original A&SS project...
I probably wandered around for just over an hour, until I was pretty sure I'd done all the streets in that little section, plus I'd kind of had enough and really needed another drink (I'd already stopped about halfway through to buy myself a bottle of water)... actually I think that was part of the reason for the whole "over it" thing... I was just a little dehydrated (that and a little footsore). And once again I take my hat off to Mark B given that he did it all much more systematically than me.
But overall it was a worthwhile wander...
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