
call me igor

yeth mathterI swear, this whole knee issue is somewhere between complete and total torture and some sort of Zen exercise in the art of moving slower...

I took my car into work, I had my cane, I told the same story about four times (once to H-San, once to Da Girlz, once to Sugarmonkey and once to Ginger Ninja aka The Boss)... technically I should have just rocked up for work at like 10am and explained it just once to everyone... but I didn't... I got in pretty much at normal time actually.

It's just really, really, really hard for me to slow down... even with the cane (and I swear I'm going to end up with bruises on my palms), my body just wants to go faster than my knee is prepared to let me. But I'm better I think... I'm certainly better than I was yesterday, and yesterday I was better than I was on Saturday night... it's still kinda sore, and all swollen and fugly, but I'm moving better... once I get moving that is... that whole sitting for a length of time and then starting again thing isn't great... but I'm like that normally sometimes.

I think I'm going to attempt the bus and no stick tomorrow... I do walk a little bit like Igor or Quasimodo or something, but I can cope I think. The down side will be that having the stick makes it really obvious that something is the matter and you're not just like that normally... plus people were making way for me and letting me into elevators first and stuff.

And joy of joys, when I got home tonight I got a message from somebody I've hooked up with a few times saying that they just found out that they had syphilis, and I should get myself checked out too... *sigh*... Great, I've got a bum knee, and now somebody might have given me the pox...

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Tom said...

They used to cure Syphilis with Arsenic... I think there are less scary and better cures now though!

Hope the knee continues to get better too! :)

yani said...

I certainly hope so... on both counts ;)