Ma is off doing that "costal country" thing she does, so I've been left to my own devices today. Technically I probably could have gone and done my supermarket shopping by myself, but I wasn't sure about carrying heavy bags of groceries all by my ownsome, so instead I figured I would take myself off to Marion and pick up something for Ma's upcoming birthday since she was safely out of the way.
I never got around to mentioning it before now, but I bought myself an adjustable knee brace on Thursday night (and a proper reusable ice pack thing)... and we won't even go into how much freakin money it cost (okay, we will, but just briefly, I'm sure I was overcharged since I was stupid enough to buy it in North Adelaide and all... $55, can you fucking believe it???), and it's actually helping with the knee thing, it just gives me some stability and firmness, lets me walk more like a person and less like a horror movie cliche...
So I strapped up my leg early this morning, got in the car (thank god for automatics) and trundled down to Marion.
There is something a little eerie about getting to Marion that early... usually we don't make it down there until mid morning or early afternoon, but first thing the place was half deserted... it just felt weird.
Originally the plan was get in, get the thing for Ma's birthday, get out... but I did have a thought in the back of my mind that that was never going to happen, I knew I would end up wandering around aimlessly (although, without the knee brace, I might not have). I stopped off to get some breakfast, and then the seeming orgy of shopping began...
I'm pretty sure it's the currently ongoing joy of having actual, real live, disposal income... money that's all mine and that I can actually use for whatever I like instead of having to ration and justify and scrimp and go without things... it's a little bit intoxicating... so that was also probably why I was supposed to be looking for things for Ma, but kept finding things for myself instead.
I swung through the Red Circle Boutique for no real reason, partially to look at the DVDs, but partially because I know I really need another pair of jeans, one of them is starting to fall apart a bit and another pair I don't really like wearing that much (they're boring), so that only leaves me with the pair I currently have on. But RCB hasn't really had anything decent in jeans in appropriate sizes of late, so I wasn't expecting much. Sometimes the Universe just smiles on me a little bit though (and it had bloody better want to after last week)... nice pair of pale, faded jeans (Light Indigo Abraded Jeans, don'tcha know!), just my size... whoopee!
They fit pretty well, and when I got to the register there was another one of those ongoing sales they seem to have going perpetually, and I got them for $40 instead of $50... woohoo...

And it probably would have continued to be idle, if there wasn't a jewellery store right next to the RCB... I really only went in to take a look at what they had, "tyre kick" if you will... but the nice girly (Ramonas, according to the receipt) asked me if she could help me with anything, and I actually couldn't FIND the silver men's rings, so I asked, she showed me what they had, there was a "25% off" sign on this really nice "Stainless Steel Satin Bevelled Flat 6mm Ring"... and I tried it on, thinking it would probably be too big for me, and what do you know, it fit (it's a little bit loose now that my fingers are cold, but not enough for it to be a problem)... and with the 25% discount it was only $33... Yes please! So I walked into the store to browse, walked out wearing a new ring.
I think that was possibly the point where the actual fact that I was on the edge of some sort of depraved spending spree kind of hit me, and I settled down a bit... which was a little bit of a shame... but better than buyer's remorse I guess...
My conviction was tested at my next stop, when I happened to see all three Queer as Folk DVDs (the original UK version with the edible Charlie Hunnam) marked down from $20 each to $15 each... but I already have the first season on VHS (and I think I have the second season on VHS on extended loan from J too), and I haven't watched it in a long while... so after wandering around the shop with the three DVDs being all indecisive I ended up putting them all back *sigh*... but it was probably a good thing, since I saw the full series in one case at JB HiFi for pretty much the same price... and they weren't even on special there...
Oh, and while I was in JB HiFi my vague yet oddly specific OCD came out to play... there was this tray of cut price anime DVDs which were all piled up and impossible to see what the hell was there, and I just started organising them into rows, moving the box sets to one side, making everything neat and tidy... normally Ma's with me, and at some point she drags me away to stop me being completely obsessive compulsive, but I was all on my own, so I organised the entire tray... left everything in rows and whatnot... sad, but true...
Eventually, after NOT buying a few other things in various places (the complete first season of Mythbusters for $15 and Sin City for about $12, only because I haven't actually seen it and I don't know if it's any good), I finally made it to the car store place to get Ma's present... it's a little bit cheesy, but Ma quite liked these Angel car seat covers... which, I will admit, are better than the godawful neon pink things she was given by some skank with no taste a while back. They're velour, they have a "padded" design, but they're grey and she likes them, so, like a dutiful son, I got them for her birthday...
I also had the vague thought that I might get her Michael Palin's autobiography... but when I eventually found it, it's only the "Python Years"... but they did have some of his travel books half price in Dymocks, and I know that she complained the other week because Channel 7 took his latest series off the air because it wasn't rating well... so I figured what the hell... and after being indecisive between Himalaya and Sahara, I finally decided on Himalaya (for no other reason than I liked the sound of it more).
So, by this point I was pretty much done... not only because I'd bought everything I wanted to buy and been everywhere I needed to go (actually, I'd been pretty much everywhere there was to go), but I think my knee was pretty much done too... and I called it a day... and it was only just 11am... not bad considering I got there somewhere between 9 and 9:30...
I also had a vague plan about going to Clinic 275 today (is it just me, or is it significant that the STD clinic is Clinic 275 and the sauna is Pulteney 431... coincidence?)... but on the way home I had the thought that maybe they weren't actually open on weekends... turns out I was right. So now I'm going to have to wangle something during the week... which actually probably won't be that hard since over half of the team are off for large chunks of this week, so I'll just tell whoever is around that I'm taking a long lunch and hobble to the other end of the city to be prodded and poked in inappropriate places. Joy!
I don't have the vaguest idea what the hell I'm going to do with the rest of my day though... the car is still out the front, so I guess I could go somewhere, but I think maybe I did enough somewhereing this morning and I should just take it easy...
Current Mood:

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