
business shirt shopping

shopping for business shirtsAhhh, the gentle, yet manly art of shopping...

Or, you know, something...

You get up, you get dressed, you head out to the stoopidmarket at the crack of dawn, you buy probably too much of the wrong kind of stuff and not enough of the stuff that's going to last you until the end of the week, and then you come home again, take it all out of the bags and look at the trainwreck that your kitchen has become...

As a brief aside, I did buy a couple of packets of Ginger Bears (like Jelly Babies, but bear shaped, and ginger flavoured).... mmmmmm Ginger Bears... damn they're nice!

Anyway... after the Food Shopping Adventures we headed down to Marion because I wanted to get some new business shirts for work (and the Red Circle Boutique next to the supermarket never has very much choice, but the one at Marion seems to)... I don't have that many choices anymore, plus I have more than enough shirts that seem to be a similar beige/tan/brown kinda colour...


I will say this... WOO-HOO! Five shirts for just about $50... partially because they were having one of the seemingly perpetual "Percent Off" sales, but also because Ma unearthed a couple of shirts from the back of the rack that had been marked down to about $5 (they came out under $4 with the further discount)... nothing wrong with them, my size, nice strong sapphire blue colour... nice! I also grabbed a light purple one, a dark purple stripey one and a nice pale green. Sadly there was some gorgeous pink and blue striped shirts that I could happily have worn for "Pink Shirt Thursday"... and they had three different sizes... the two sizes directly below the one I wear... and then one a couple of sizes smaller again... *grrrrr*... I haven't yet been able to find a pink shirt that I like that's in my size... I haven't given up yet though!

We just randomly wandered around for a while longer... ended up getting Ma a new quilt cover (thrilling I know) before we stopped for some lunch and then headed home (after a quick stop over at Bunnings so I could get a proper hook thing to hang up my kite and Ma could finally buy a short step ladder she's had her eye on for a while).

I ended up taking a big ol' detour on the way home, instead of taking the road to the left that heads to the city, I took the road to the right that also heads to the city (stupid, but true)... then went through town with the intention of maybe stopping off at the Kite Shop to have a look around, but they looked like they were either closed or closing, so we didn't bother stopping.

So that's about it really... I might be having coffee with Marc tomorrow... and I also need to work out what the hell to make for dinner on Movie Night next week... something that doesn't involve very much effort on my part would be the best... we'll have to see what I can come up with.

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