Tuesday was okay... Wednesday there was the "key issue"... Thursday there was the "headphones"... and today was all about buses...
I thought I'd broken the "curse"... my walk was key enabled and headphone enhanced... I even got out of the house in time to catch the earlier bus, which for the previous three days I've watched whizz by the end of the road as I head up towards the bus stop.
I made it across to the other side of the road before the bus got to the stop, everything was fine... and then the first bus had a "Not In Service" sign up... and the second bus, which should have stopped and picked myself and the collection of motley fellow travellers up, just sailed on past us in the center lane of the road.
Then every other bus was either a "Full Bus" or a "Not in Service" bus or one of the F buses which doesn't stop at that stop anyway.
Eventually one of the buses marked "Full" stopped at the stop to let somebody off, and I and a couple of the women at the bus stop just forced our way on anyway... bus driver wasn't particularly happy about it, but screw him.
Then as I validated my ticket I realised that there was actually a massive space just beyond the initial bottleneck by the door, and nobody was standing in it, or moving into it or anything.
And I lost my temper... quite a bit...
So using my best "you've been naughty and now you're gunna be spanked, and not in the good way" voice (thank god I inherited Ma's ability for loud vocalisation) I told everybody on the bus that there was "a shitload of space" right there and nobody was even standing in it and they needed to move into it right now...
The more I went off, the more pissy I got about the whole situation, and the more I kept talking... I then realised it was a double length "bendy" bus, so I expressed an opinion that surely the bus wasn't full all the way to the back, and people should move up and make room... I think I also threw in a couple of lines about "showing some common courtesy" and "people have places to go"... thus pretty much shaming the entire bus into doing what I wanted them to do. Woohoo... and also *blush*...
It wasn't even like we were all squashy like sardines when I was done... yes, the bus was "full", but it wasn't Sardine Time Full...
At a certain point the little voice in the back of my head that observes these little outbursts was going "okay, you need to shut up now... okay, stop talking now... no really, shut up"... and eventually I did.
We only got about five people from the bus stop on the bus though... the other half didn't even attempt it, but if they had I'm sure I could have created room for them too (actually, if I'd been nearer the door, I probably would have called out to them "You lot coming or what?", but thankfully by that point I was far enough into the bus that the little voice in my head was louder than the general red haze...
And then as if I needed further proof that people are somewhat docile, when I got to work and was signing in to get my ID badge thing, the somewhat cute Security Boy chose this morning to say hello and ask me something along the lines of did I know where I was going...
Yes, you docile git... and I've known where I was going for the LAST THREE DAYS... and I've signed in to get my badge each time while you were sitting there... and you (or one of your little buddies) have had to buzz the stupid security gate thing open for me every time I've entered or left the building since TUESDAY!
And it doesn't freakin rain by it freakin pours...
I got a call from my somewhat docile Agency Girly yesterday to see if I was available to do another assignment in the building in the middle of May... and then H-San (who's the only person from that group who was there back when I started 150 thousand years ago) came back from a meeting this afternoon with the possibility of me doing some work for some other group that wants to convert their current website into the departmental standard...
It's good... but, you know... *mutter mutter mutter* all at once???
And then I come home to the fuckin Second Floor Baby Elephant Ballet... *grrrrr*...
Current Mood:

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