
photo friday: judge dread

i am the law!I lost my temper at work today...

I didn't mean to, obviously, but suddenly there I was... and for the record, the phrase that finally made me lose my temper was "Email is stupid, email is for old people"...

We had a meeting about some new changes that are going to be happening in the department, and one of the Dull People, who we'll call Nasal Bitch for the purposes of this discussion, was just so blinkered and mostly off topic and all round annoying during this meeting. And if we hadn't been meeting with somebody from outside the unit I probably would have told her to shut up during the meeting. But the meeting was finally over and she started whining about what happened in the meeting and suddenly I was just over it... so the phrase "You need to get over yourself" escaped my lips... and then we had a rather heated discussion (not really an argument, but a discussion, in which I was totally in the right, but she just wouldn't shut the hell up)... to which her final comment was the aforementioned "Email is stupid comment"...

And that was the point where I really lost my temper, made some reference to her needing a smack in the head, some sort of offer to give her one (all the while walking AWAY from her and the whole situation) and then a declarative statement about the fact I was going to lunch.

I ended up having an hour long lunch (instead of my usual half hour) and sublimated my rage with Haighs chocolate, purchases involving the edible Charlie Hunnam from EzyDVD (the complete UK version of Queer as Folk, you know, the one I looked at last weekend but didn't buy and Children of Men, which I hadn't seen, but it was cheap, so what the hell) and far too much chicken burger...

By the time I got back I felt slightly better, but had also come up with a total plan if she did approach me (which I'm not sure would have made the situation any better, but would hopefully have gotten her out of my face), but was working the "ignore" option like a trooper. Turns out she didn't even try and speak to me, and she disappeared at some point during the afternoon (milking whatever childhood trauma she thought she could get away with I'm sure)...

But luckily I had a chat with Le Ninja later in the afternoon and she knows exactly what Nasal Bitch is like... so I don't think I have a problem there... plus it does mean I have a free pass on not really having to deal with her if I don't want to...

You just gotta love drama, don't ya *pulls face*

Thank god it's the weekend now!!!

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