
photo friday: eight

elevator eightThis is where I'm spending what feels like all of my time currently... not in the elevator obviously... but Level 8...

It's been a weird day... the weather turned rainy and cold and windy and whatnot... I spent almost my whole day in a meeting, a meeting I might add that I was supposedly running (but not really, or at least not for long once I got everybody else talking... but I did get to do a lot of writing on the whiteboard with a squeaky pen, so that was a bonus)... originally it was supposed to run from 9:30 to 11... 11 became 12, 12 became 12:30... and then five of us reconvened at about 3pm and met until 4...

And we're kind of meeting about stuff that I'm shaping the strategy and policy and process about, but which I'm not going to see completed because I probably won't be around there for that long... which is a little weird... and suddenly I'm the "expert" on the Document Management System, and honestly all I did was spend all of last week moving stuff around in it (yes, I've used it a bunch of times in previous jobs in the building, but this is different).

I also had lunch with Stu... he's in the process of swapping jobs (long story, mostly dull)... and instead of wandering about in the rain, we ended up jumping in his car and going down to Fasta Pasta on South Terrace. Which meant I ended up having a whole hour for lunch (which was okay, because about half of the team were going out to lunch with somebody who used to work with them, so they were gone for about an hour and a half minimum...

Plus it was Friday, obviously, so I was all dressed casually (and I still am to be honest, I never bothered getting changed when I got home, since I'm pretty damn comfortable in what I have on)... I always used to do that when I worked there the first time around, mostly so that I could drop my work pants off at the dry cleaners on the Thursday night and pick them up again on Saturday (and it seems to have caught on with the other two groovy members of the team, not sure I actually started it, but it's nice to think that maybe I did a bit)... so I spent the whole day in jeans and the white shirt I bought for Stu's 40th birthday (which I don't think I've actually worn since) and my red hoodie (which left red fluff on my white shirt first thing this morning, so I'm less happy about that)... actually the shirt thing is a little bit interesting... I ran out of shirts I could wear "casually" this week, and picked this one as a kind of last resort, expecting it to be a little tight and not overly comfortable... since that's kind of how I remember it the last time I wore it... but if anything it's actually a little bit big for me...

Oh, and today was the first day that I had my security access card (I got it yesterday) for the whole day, so I could come and go as I pleased whenever I liked... which was good, but again, different...

Then I ended up picking up my dry cleaning tonight instead of tomorrow and generally futzing about at the supermarket before I came home...

So yeah... it's been a fairly good day... but a little weird too...

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