
fairly productive day

you're not paid to thinkEven though nothing much happened today (I just continued working through the very long and very boring list of websites I'm reviewing) I somehow seemed to manage to have a fairly productive day...

  • After yesterday's little tirade I got my own login and proper departmental email (the God Access is coming, it's just going to take a little longer)... and it took about an hour and a half once the appropriate form was emailed to the appropriate people... how hard is that, really... so I got to waste about three quarters of an hour setting up my new desktop and email options and whatnot...
  • I started out checking to see what movies were going to be in Gold Class in the next couple of weeks, and the next thing you know, I've booked tickets (for the right day this time) for Ma and I to go and see Prince Caspian on her birthday... took all the $50 voucher we got for Christmas, plus a little bit more (but, you know, it's Gold Class, so it's worth it)...
  • I just keep opening my mouth at work and words keep falling out, which somehow turn into IDEAS... which, it has to be said, is a little bit dangerous... and might lead to somebody (you know... me most likely) completely redesigning the unit's website (again, because the last time I worked there I turned the website from crap to gold, and now it's all crap again)...
  • Then I paid my rent at lunch... dull and routine, yes... but still productive...
  • I also booked a Haircut Day for next Friday... *woohoo*... Haircut Day! Actually, I did that on Tuesday on my way to the clinic... but it's still something productive...
  • And it seems like I might have turned another corner knee-wise... it seems to be freeing up even more, and I actually managed putting all my weight on my "bad" leg, not limping very much and pretty much walking normally... it's still a little twingy in spots, but it's getting there *woohoo*...
And now... to bed...

Current Mood:

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