
wednesday thoughts

bloody little blue bearbrick snailJust some non-specific random street art shots... but what's not to love about a deranged little bleeding blue bear and a dopey looking wall snail...

And now, some random thoughts about Wednesday...

  • Why the hell is it that Network Ten is unable to show the shows that they promise to show... last week they started the new series of House... I know this because there were about a billion ads about it... and after last week's episode was the ad for this weeks... another new episode... and yet today rolls around... REPEAT! What the fuck? I mean they must have HAD the episode, they made the freaking commercial? So why?
  • I might be looking at another eight weeks of work... they want me to sub in to free up some of the existing staff to do "audit checks" on the websites... which hopefully means I'll get my own login and email and everything... it also means I might end up having to take a "week off", but I think I can cope with that...
  • I've been having a few little freak outs about my knee today... nothing major, just thinking stupid thoughts like "what if this is as good as it ever gets" and "what if I should be doing something that I'm not doing, or shouldn't be doing that I am doing" and "should I go and see somebody about it, get it checked out" and "what if I never get my 'speed' back"... you know, stupid stuff...
  • I ran into a buddy of J's in town yesterday (J2 for the purposes of the story)... I'd hobbled off to pay my rent, so I ended up going somewhere different for lunch, and he was right behind me as I went in... I clocked him as a fellow 'mo, but it was only when I heard him speak that I realised who it was. And he hasn't heard from J either... the little bugger has been pretty much silent since he got back to London. I'm glad it's not just me he hasn't been in touch with though...
  • Oddly I'm both really missing my walk and I'm also quite okay with having extra time in the mornings... it's nice to not have to be out and about before the crack of dawn but I don't want to slip backwards...
That's about all the thoughts in my head at present...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

In response to your first point... State of Orrifice. All the blokes would have been watching that, and the girls and the gays the Abba doco. I reckon they'll be back to normal next week! :)

Good news about the job too!

yani said...

Wouldn't you have thought they would have known about that last week before they advertised the new episode... one assumes the stupid sporting people didn't just "spring" a match on them with no warning... it's just RUDE!

And yes, it is... although it may be a little challenging next week when the half of the staff that actually seem to do constructive things will all be away at the same time... ;)