There were a few faces I recognised from Stu's 40th, but I'm fairly certain I was the only single person there (and the one or two guys who were there by themselves just hadn't brought their wives/whatever with them)...
So I did what I always do in those situations, I either hung out with Stu, or occasionally Mrs Stu, or I found myself a spot in the kitchen (which interestingly is where Stu rather than Mrs Stu was preparing the couple of bits of hot food) and helped out a bit, or I just let Trouble and Strife hang out with me... well, more Strife than Trouble... but you know, more or less anything I could do so I didn't have to hang out with the majority of beige people...
There were a couple of folks who weren't beige (and funnily enough they were husband and wife), but I honestly just hate doing the whole "mingle" thing.
Mrs Stu loved her giraffe wind chime thing... she didn't have anything giraffe related in a wind chime (well, except for a little tiny magnet that had chimes on the bottom of it), so that worked well too. And it turns out that the wine I got them, Brown Brothers, is her FAVOURITE kind of wine... so I was winning points all over the joint. And the girls liked their little stuffed animals too.
I ended up being, as tends to happen with these things, the very, very, very last one to leave... well, technically it was me and another guy (I think he was the one I sat next to at Stu's birthday and said was the most attractive one there... which, now that I look back on it, having seen him again, man the other guys must have been fugly), but he left just before me, so I was the very last. We helped them clean up outside, bring all the plates and rubbish and whatnot in, save them either having to do it on their own, or having to face it all in the morning, then we sat around in the lounge room for a bit while Stu showed Questionably Attractive Dude how to work the second hand Playstation that Stu had found him.
So in the end, it was about 1am by the time I left there, and maybe twenty past, give or take, by the time I made it back here.
I should switched my computer off before I left for the party... but I honestly didn't know how late I was going to be... and when I got home I should have just switched off the computer and gone to bed, but I was a little wound up (for some strange reason) and went looking for some late night/early morning company...
I should also have realised that the guy I was chatting to was not only way out of my league, but also WAAAAAAAAY out of my league, but I didn't, and invited him over... this was supposedly a ten minute trip at about quarter to three in the morning... at about twenty past I gave up, locked the door and went to sleep...
Lord I hate being prick teased... what fucking joy is there in making somebody think you're going to turn up on their doorstep, and then not doing it? If you're going to lead me on and then fuck me over, at least do it before you've said you're on your way over... 'k?
But even though I knew there was no way he was going to turn up, I still had a little bit of trouble getting to sleep because I was so wound up, and any car that happened to drive down my street suddenly made me hyper alert (you know, just in case)... although I think I conked out pretty soon after.
And then, of course, my body woke me up at about 7am this morning... somehow I think that later this afternoon isn't going to be pretty...
Current Mood:

Okay, firstly, you'd have to promise me you won't hit me with a frying pan - but wouldn't it be easier to, you know, "U & Ur Hand" if you were that wound up? :P
And secondly, well, sometimes it's kinda, in some horrible and perverted way, "fun" to be a #$%-tease. I got called that when I was out and about in Cairns recently. *duck*
Yes, well, hindsight is a 20/20 science... If I knew then what I know now, I would have indeed "performed the Pink song"... but really, you're SO the last person to lecture anybody about the need for that particular activity :P
And I can live with prickteasing... it's the being a sociopathic liar thing that bugs me...
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